Weight Loss

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Chief Master Sergeant
Nov 9, 2015
I'm down to 203 after eating dinner, and I've been steadily losing weight (rather than the normal way of getting violently ill and losing 10 pounds in a few days).

The key is crowding out bad food with food that still tastes good, but isn't bad for my health: So, unexpectedly, I've found a friend in black mexican bean burritos, and various salsas. Also eating almost everything at lunch is also something that works. I've also started eating oatmeal for breakfast -- not a big fan of it, but it'll do for the time being.
Up until Christmas I had lost 55 lb

The key for me is a healthy Breakfast, either
a) Porridge fortified by a desert spoon of raisons or sultana's soaked overnight in the fridge
b) two Weetabix,
c) Fruit and Fibre cereal.

Lunch isn't much, common things include
a) Scrambled egg on toast
b) sardines / pilchards / tuna or similar on a salad (no dressing)
c) Jacket Potato stuffed with baked beans
Basically avoid bread

Evening Meals - more or less anything goes as long as its got a calorie count of less than 750 and preferably low (ish) fat.
Chicken (skin off) Mince (5% fat), Fish in particular oily fish being the core ingredients

Last night for instance - Salmon steaks with Tomato slices and pineapple pieces with a touch of balsamic vinegar and olive oil wrapped in foil and baked in the oven for about 20mins, eaten with plain new potato's and runner beans.
If you want to loose wieght......don't eat carbs. I cut out all but about 20 or 30 grams of carbs a day after being told I was on the borderline of being pre-diabetic.
My aim was to keep my blood sugar under control which it did but a side afect was I went from 190 to 142 in about 8 months. Finally had to add a little carbs back in because I was loosing too much wieght.
Now im back up to around 155.
If you go really low carb there are things to know like you have to drink more water as you can dehydrate easier and its a good idea to supliment with magnesium and potasium and make sure you get enough sodium(salt).
I'm down to 203 after eating dinner, and I've been steadily losing weight (rather than the normal way of getting violently ill and losing 10 pounds in a few days).

The key is crowding out bad food with food that still tastes good, but isn't bad for my health: So, unexpectedly, I've found a friend in black mexican bean burritos, and various salsas. Also eating almost everything at lunch is also something that works. I've also started eating oatmeal for breakfast -- not a big fan of it, but it'll do for the time being.
You might try oat bran instead of oatmeal. Consistency is more like cream of wheat instead of that "slimy" oatmeal. And lots of fiber. God I'm getting old.
My weight loss plan involves an 8 hour workday, dumping absurd amounts of money and long hours (5+) after work trying to restore a trashed house that I bought last summer but can't live in yet.

It's called the "Stress 'til you drop" plan and it seems to be working really well...
My weight loss plan involves an 8 hour workday, dumping absurd amounts of money and long hours (5+) after work trying to restore a trashed house that I bought last summer but can't live in yet.

It's called the "Stress 'til you drop" plan and it seems to be working really well...
That's the key, stay busy during the day. And night, in your case. Good luck with your rehab house. Stay the course, you will be proud of it when you are done. Both the weight and the house.
For some reason, I envisioned you as being younger (that's not an insult or a complement, it's just a neutral observation).
I have irritable bowel syndrome: Trust me, I know the merits of fiber too :lol:
Might want to try a really good pro biotic( I use Natrens healthy Trinity) for that IBS. It ain't cheap but it works wonders, at least it did for me. Also Kiefer if you can get it down......Pro tip with the Kiefer, mix it 50/50 with Strawberry Muscle Milk( or some other protien drink) makes it palatable......pretty good actually.
I got good news and bad news: The bad news is that I have a fever of 100.5, the good news is that illness does tend to cause weight-loss (it just has a lot to be desired)
Weight loss....................... WTF is that
I'll be 76 in June, that fraze is no longer in my vocabulary....
Now if you want to talk Type 2, I am your guy!
HBP, prostate, psoriasis, cateracts, insomnia?
Let's chat!!!!!!!

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