I agree Cory. None of these really stood out for me. The finish on the Mustang could also be better and the meatballs on the Zero have the decal film quite visible.
Not bad, but the overall finish of all of them is lacking in parts. The Mustang seems to be suffering slightly around the windscreen joint and the shape of the w/screen side panes too. Was this person the only one to enter this section by any chance?
Not 100% sure Terry it seemd there was just one guy there. Oops, just realized I stated the category wrong. It should in fact be OOB 1/32 Props and Jets. I've edited the post. Superdetailed 1/32 are coming up in a couple of posts and there are some beauties there.
The 217 isn't bad besides the silvering, and it is in a tiny scale! The 1/48's are both excellent though, but I'd give the nod by a slight margin to the B-25.
Good stuff, I like the B25, although don't think the canopy upper frames are correct. Methinks the Dornier might be from a youngster or beginner; if so, good work.
Very true Wayne. So let's change tack and look at the 1/32nd Scale Super-detailed Props and Jets category. This beautiful Hasegawa Bf 109G-6 won Bronze believe it or not!
The model stands up to close scrutiny very well with, I think, just the right amount of panel line highlighting. The dog is pretty amazing too, tongue and all!