What aircraft did you spot today

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Was standing at the edge of a row of pine trees hunting Doves yesterday when I heard a familiiar sound behind me. Could not see anything though due to the trees. After a few second I heard the sound of a aircraft in a shallow dive and that other familier sound. Then it appeared, a P-51. At first I thought is was the Minnesota Wings P-51C painted in the Red Tail colors of the Tuskegee Airmen, but this was a D model with a red nose and spinner. He was up fairly high and I did not have my binoculars with me at the time so I could not make out any other markings. I thought it might have been the Mustang owned by Fagen Fighters out in western Minnesota, but that bird has a Red rudder the last I saw. Not sure which Mustang it was, but it made my day as the Doves and Geese were not co-operating.
had a C 5 don't ask how i missed it for a pic followed by what I thought was a single T Bird I got the single and missed the other 6 he flew over


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There were two helo's flying a box pattern around the neighborhood, this morning. I guess they have something to do with the airshow at
NAS Oceana, this week-end. Parking and admission are free, so if anyone is in the area, give me a call 757-340-1146 and I'll meet you there.

Skies are 100 percent overcast !!



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No pics, but the local Lisunov Li-2, HA-LIX, flew nice and low over the flat a couple of times this morning, I think for a routine maintenance flight. She's one of only 2 airworthy examples extant (the other is in Russia).

Was able to see her do a touch and go at the airport aswell, one of the few bonuses of living on the 7th floor of a 10 story block of flats!
A few laps by this A6, I really like the RAF Hercs with the refuelling probe


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Big airshow at NAS Oceana this week-end. Hope to get some good pic's as they over-fly the neighborhood. I'm only six miles from Oceana, so I'm in their air space....

Well...I didn't have my camera with me here at work...so naturally I'm having all these aircraft fly over the shop and driving me mad :/

2 A-10 Thunderbolts in formation, a C-17 Globemaster (sweep high-bank orbit, too) an F-18 and a couple of USAF Thunderbirds practising...

That isn't including the occasional vintage warbird coming in, I can hear 'em but I can't see them...dang it

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