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Germany discussing Airbus allowing the A380 production to move to France. What are they thinking.

Most of the Airbus A380 is built in France anyhow. England makes some parts of it and Germany makes some parts of it and whoever the hell else makes parts of it makes parts of it and France makes parts of it. Then the parts are shipped to France and assembled and then the plane takes off from France.

Well as part of the latest announced delays and audits, AvWeek is reporting that Germany may lose all production rights [whatever that means]. AvWeek implied that Germany had the major integration assembly for the airplane. Not true?

Nothing annoyed me today. Except perhaps Lanc trying to bait us into asking about his weekend.
No the tail and Nose and Cockpit sections are made in Germany. They are put on a boat and taken to Toulouse, France allong with the parts made in England, France, and Spain and then they are assembled and flown to there destinations from Toulouse, France.

But yes they are trying to blame the Hamburg plant for the delays.
At work, I found this power strip attached to the power cable going to a battery stack for a PBX. Lots of amps are carried on that cable!

Notice the black tie wraps holding it to the cable.

Outright National Electrical Code violation.

Now the fun begins in finding out who installed it and what the f*** they were thinking.


  • Euclid TER Oct 9 2006 ba.JPG
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The DVLA. 3 months ago I applied for my provisional license and theyre too incompetent to send it to me. I phoned up a few weeks ago and they said it would be here shortly, it still hasnt got here, so I phoned them again and asked what the wait would be, and now theyre saying it could be another month. WHAT?! Its my birthday next friday, which is followed by a week off school, and I could get a lot of driving lessons in that week. I dont wanna be waiting for months to get on the road, ****ing gays. It shouldnt take 4 months to do something that should be routine for them. *stopping typing here in order to prevent further angried expletives*
Holy sh*t and I thought our government were pathetic, but damn CC yours sucks, well our department of home affairs sucks but not our traffic department, 4 weeks I waited for mine.

Must be just you, my brothers arrived fine (he started driving last week) and I don't remember any problems with mine (although it was 2 years ago).
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