What Annoyed You Today?

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Please someone tell me how to read a female's thoughts? They want the truth, as you give it they get pissed at you for doing it, but you can not dare lie and the sh*t will hit the fan!
Please someone tell me how to read a female's thoughts? They want the truth, as you give it they get pissed at you for doing it, but you can not dare lie and the sh*t will hit the fan!

That's fairly easy.
Tell the lady in question this:
"If you can handle the truth, okay. If you can't, don't ask for it.
If you want everything glossed over, lady - say so. There's no guarantee you'll get it, but at least you have stated your opinion!"
And no - we women are not mind readers, just like you guys aren't. But you've gotta be man - or woman enough, depending on whose side you look at it from - to handle the truth. That's the catch.
If ppl could learn how to read minds, I'd start classes and earn a gazillion bucks that way.
Oh btw - if the lady in question is still totally impossible after that lil' speech *points up*, she's probably suffering from PMS, so be gentle to her and get the hell outta the way!

And btw, part 2:
If you don't want my advice, say so and I'll shut up. I'm not a mind reader, y'know.
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Please someone tell me how to read a female's thoughts? They want the truth, as you give it they get pissed at you for doing it, but you can not dare lie and the sh*t will hit the fan!

Psychiatric Help - $0.05

I think it's time for me to play the psychiatrist...

Girls always liked asking trap-questions... Here is an example :

"Honey, do you think I took some weight lately ?"

If you say "no", she'll be pissed off because she'll think you're f*cking blind for not noticing she took 20 lbs.
If you answer "yes", then you're f*cked ! Because she's gonna start a diet and put you on diet too... even if you don't need it !

So what I think would be the best is that you make it clear with her that you will no longer answer any trap-questions. It may makes you sleep on the couch for several weeks, but it's better than spending the rest of your life running...

Of course, it is only my opinion...
Some advice, where possible make any ideas you come out with sound like it was their idea - they love being smarter than you; even when they're blatantly not.

As for my annoyance; yesterday I had to travel 110 miles to Airbus in N.Wales; only to be told they'd screwed up the plans and my course is next week. I was soon relieved of my annoyance though because my boss gave me a week off paid to make up for screwing me around.
Please someone tell me how to read a female's thoughts? They want the truth, as you give it they get pissed at you for doing it, but you can not dare lie and the sh*t will hit the fan!

I have been married to the same great gal now for over 30 years (and thats after 2 previous marriages). What I have learned has helped me (and us) to a very happy and stable relationship. It is this: Tell the truth. Always tell the truth even when it hurts. Of course maybe I am just lucky to have a woman who can process that without rancor, don't know. After a while in any relationship you tend to become great friends, if not, you have not got all the ingredients yet and possibly never will. Anyway, good friends always stab you in the FRONT. The truth is like a sharp knife. A lie is like a dull cleaver. An ingratiating fib is like a paper cut, you don't feel it at first but if you get enough of them they can bleed you to death.
Frikkin people at one of the companies we provide IT for....they're always using the computers to surf personal websites (**tries to look very innocent while posting here**), and keep downloading viruses. That's annoying. The people who WRITE viruses....they PISS ME OFF.
Deep sea fishing 12 miles out in the Atlantic got ruined by a storm. Scariest moment of my life. We had life jackets on and the deckhands who were going around with bait were in there bright orange overalls and jackets trying to pull up the anchor. It was supposed to be a four hour trip instead it was around 30 minutes and I caught no fish either. On top of that people were throwing up!
Forgetting that you're frying pasta with veggies while you're gaming on FB isn't a great thing to do...*uses air powered hammer and an old crowbar to get the pan clean again*...and forgetting to switch off the coffee machine while leaving a few drops of coffee in it isn't so darned smart either...*snort*
It's just not my Kitchen-Day today.
Shouldn't surprise me if even making Burnt Almonds would misfire on me today, too!
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Trying to make 3 hot dogs for myself for dinner.
Here's what I found out today:

- try to avoid getting onion juice in your eyes.

- pan fried wieners don't need to spend very long time on the frying pan.

- the frying pan don't have to be heating at full throttle all the time.

- do turn the bread thingies over on the toaster now and then.

- don't leave a plastic bag in close proximity of the toaster when you're toasting the bread.

- don't park the toaster cord in the little bowl with the raw chopped onions.

- or in the waterfilled dishpan. (No worries, nothing happened...)

- ketchup in the pc mouse isn't a good thing, either.

- and roasted onions in coffee tastes really...weird.

That was the dinner/hot dogs "Mein Kampf"! *palmface.exe*
- try to avoid getting onion juice in your eyes.


That's pretty bad, but one thing I know that is worse is getting Jalepeno juice in your eye!!! I speak from experience on that one. To add insult to injury is having the person you're cooking for laugh at you!!!

I wish you luck on your next cooking adventure

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