What Annoyed You Today?

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I'm with you BB, feel a nasty headache coming on. Starting in the back of my neck and working around to the temple area now.

If anything ought to be outlawed and prohibited, it ought to be headaches, migraines, colds, any kind of ache - and flu!
I munched a couple of Paracetamols, that took care of the worst headache. I can recommend it. ;)
Good to hear, try not to take too much medications if I can help it. My aches and pains today are being brought on by the cold, damp weather we've been experiencing the last couple days. Sun is supposed to break out just in time for the weekend though.
Good to hear, try not to take too much medications if I can help it. My aches and pains today are being brought on by the cold, damp weather we've been experiencing the last couple days. Sun is supposed to break out just in time for the weekend though.

Try a powernap and a big glass of cold water - sometimes it eases the worst pain. ;)
I hope your headache evaporates ASAP.
The weather isn't particularly cold here, but we've had some huge showers w. thunder last night.
The weather shoudl be getting better saturday and sunday, just in time for the airshow in Roskilde to proceed as planned. ;)
LOL. Today for me it was someone who decided that one plane was better than another in every way possible and had no facts to back it up. Finally after 2 hours of debating he finally said "Oh yes that P-51 has one advantage, range" <- This was after 2 hours of me trying to say the same exact thing!

Attended another funeral of yet another work mate today I had known since the 70's. The list of guys stiill around that I have known from that time is getting mighty short there is 4 of us left so the odds of seeing out my time and getting to retire have shorten yet again. I will be really pissed off if I dont get to retirement and I'll haunt the **** out of the railway.
Chose not to wear my shin guards today when I was asked to play in goals for our final lacrosse game of the season....and sure enough hit in the shins making two saves.....OUCH!

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