What Annoyed You Today?

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Hope the chompers are better today BB, and Marcel hope you just have the regulars seasonal strain of the flu.

Took the Longbow to the range last night to get in some practice. Couldn't hit the broad side of a bard from the inside!!! Oh, well it happens sometimes, today I'll probably hit everything I shoot at. That is sometime the nature of Traditional Archery, you just don't have the concentration some days to shoot well.
Hi Bucksnort, and thanks for the good wish.
I know that kind of days - here in DK we've got a saying about that kind of days: It's one of those days where you can't poke a stick in a dog sh** without breaking both the stick and the...well, let's call it a pile of dog manure for now.
I hope you get a better day on the archery range ASAP.

My day:
Got up at 0615 this morning to go to the Dentist's School in Copenhagen. It's free treatment, and they usually take you in for treatment when you've got a toothache and no cash. Which happens all too regularly for me - the no cash part, that is.
Wound up as no. 44 out of 50 patients today, so it took a while to get checked out. I was prepared for that, so I had brought a book and my knitting kit, so I had something to do while waiting.
The bad thing is that it's a student that's going to extract my bad tooth, and it won't happen until tuesday next week. *growl*
But at least it's free, and I guess it beats having nothing done at all about that particular tooth, which was the other option.

The good thing is that I got treated by a pretty famous (- in Denmark, at least) dentist, who also happens to play bass in a famous danish band.
And he's a darned charming hottie.
So it was a bit hard to keep a straight face when all I wanted to do was drool and go totally 14-y.o. fan girl on the poor, unsuspecting man. I managed to keep myself together though, and then it was something to brag about to the friends afterwards - which I did, of course.

So it was bit of both good and bad news from me for now.
Good luck with the tooth and the "hottiie dentist" BB.
I shot the bow again today and did much better. That's the thing with shooting a bow by instinct and not using sights, sometimes you just aren't focused enough and don't shoot well. Thankfully those days are getting few a far between for me, most days I shoot well, some days just don't.
Going to shoot every day for the next two weeks before my Elk hunt.
Is going to get that broken, chipped molar pulled out today, so cross your fingers for me as dentists terrify me, and this is the primary reason why.
*sings* Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye...*strangled sob*
Good luck with the tooth.
Got home from the 3 day Labor Day Weekend late last night and had a message that one of my Aunts had a stroke over the weekend. Don't know much other than that.
That sucks Wayne, hopefully you'll get it sorted soon.

My college keeps changing everyone's schedule to "fix" them, but keep adding more conflicts. Yesterday's were fine, but they changed them again sometime in the night and now they're awful, with conflicts all over the place.
My college keeps changing everyone's schedule to "fix" them, but keep adding more conflicts. Yesterday's were fine, but they changed them again sometime in the night and now they're awful, with conflicts all over the place.

The same damn thing happened to me in Grade 11. They had changed their scheduling system and the schedules of everyone were f*cked up. At first, I had two history classes : "Grade 10 History" (that I had passed the previous year with 84%) and "History of the 20th Century" (which was the option I took for that year).

No need to tell that I ended up quite fast in the Principal's office to know what the f*ck was going on with my schedule... along with about 50 other students !

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