What Annoyed You Today?

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Sore knee after last nights workout. Could barely straighten it out last night. Feel a little pinching today, but nothing major. Bad timing as I leave for Colorado in just a couple days and need my legs to go up and down mountains.
Also am getting a little concered over a little skin discoloration on my temple. Not too big, but it appears to be getting a little darker. Will have to have the doctor check it out when I get back from vacation.
Aunt passed away this past Friday evening as well, she has been in pretty poor healthe for a while, and suffered a massive stroke a week ago. I guess that puts my small ailments in perspective.
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I just HATE getting several things to do at the same time, I can't HAVE it! *growls*
ONE thing at a time, PLEASE!

Well, to look on the bright side, it's better to have too many tasks to do at work than to have to few or none at all. (And my friends tell me I have a non-positive way of looking at life)
Well, to look on the bright side, it's better to have too many tasks to do at work than to have to few or none at all. (And my friends tell me I have a non-positive way of looking at life)

Not when you're me, I suck at multitasking.
My ex-boyfriend described it rather accurately and with loving humour:
If I were a dog and I was supposed to wag my tail AND bark at the same time, I'd fall over.

On the Up side of things:
I received an apology from my daily leader, she does know that I'm no good at doing several things at once.
Apology accepted, of course, and then we had a nice chat over a cup of coffee - and yes, I agree with you - it's better to have something to do, than just sit around and stare out the window.
The shower's tap is leaking water... I'll have to hire someone to knock down a part of the bathroom wall to change the damn thing.

While we're at it, I think I'm gonna get a brand new shower in glass fiber instead of the one in ceramics tiles I currently have.
Three things... That are linked together.

1 - My brand new credit card (a renewal of my old one) got blocked... Forcing me to pay my fuel cash. (About $40.00 CND.)

2 - When I called my credit company, they told me that they blocked it because of a "suspicious" transaction from Yahoo Wallet of (drumm rolls) : $1.00 USD. They unblocked it when I told them that I had a website with Yahoo.

3 - Discovering how NOT bilingual I was when I called Yahoo... Just to clear things up. I travelled to a few English-speaking places, but I never had so much trouble to be understood. The guy on the phone even told me : "I am sorry but I don't understand what you're saying." I finally managed to explain the case right enough to be told that it was perfectly normal to have a pre-authorization charge of $1.00 when I edited my billing account for my new credit card.

Sh*tty morning...
I went to 7:30 mass this morning and then my CCD teacher (Its so dumba** religious S*it my dad makes me do) told me I had to go again. But I told her I'd go ask the priest if I had to go, but I just left.
Having no model kits. And nothing to build. Due to getting no cash from the DWP ( Department for Works and Pensions ) nothing from them since 29th July.

Really peeved off just ask Terry ( Airframes ) he knows what i am going through
Dam, that's a long time to go high and dry.

Past couple of months I've been having to take Ambien to sleep at night, and apparently late at night when I'm up and not remembering being up, I'm bidding on e-Bay for stuff I don't need (like book on Fokker T.8W???) which I already had a copy of and apparently getting my "lol" and "salute" posts bass-ackwards which can be funny, or REALLY bad.
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Lost a part of the Fujimi Spit XIV I'm working on... as in gone, vanished without trace. Not even like it's a small part - spine of fuselage behind canopy. Very annoyed. Might set the kids to finding it later with a cashi ncentive.

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