What Annoyed You Today?

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Crap. Sounds like my mothers old stationwagon. Gave it to her parents. Some idiot thought it was great to back up two miles to his house, never looked back. Totaled the front end, and the car was written off.
Crap. Sounds like my mothers old stationwagon. Gave it to her parents. Some idiot thought it was great to back up two miles to his house, never looked back. Totaled the front end, and the car was written off.

I remember that, we were in the backseat, all of a sudden I look up and the rearend of this F.150 just crushes the front end. The daughter of the driver was all crying and paniking, but I don't the father had any idea what the h@ll was going on (least that's what it looked like). It's a shame, I really liked that car.
Hey Wayne, sorry about the car. Least your son's okay. Hope this guy's insurance goes through the roof.

On another note, I think one of the students in my Ante-Bellum class maybe an extremists, saying that extremism is good to get points across to the public (like those eco-nutjobs). Not a political debate, I was just really p@ssed at him.
Guys, I may not have a job in the future. My boss caused a lot of **** for himself and now he lets the business suffer for that and he wants to cut down on my salary, but I am not going to stand for that. His personal debt is his problem not the business problem.
What is your current job ? Good luck, really hope you can find a job!!

I am the manager of a shop here in my town that rents and sell PS2 and PS3 stuff and we do repairs as well. I am not such a big game freak to sit and play games the whole time like the rest of the staff, no I love my personal time to be with friends or family, but you do get the days where you just want to be alone. I love working with people and giving a great service back to my customers and that is what I am famous for, but if you screw me over I become the biggest @sshole you have ever known.

Jesus henk! :shock: I'm sorry man. Yeah, your doing the right thing by looking for another job. That yahoo of a boss of yours will bring the whole business down, doing what he's doing.

Thank you mate, luckily no one get's me down. My boss must work for someone and not run his own business, he is to soft of a person to be a boss and take difficult decisions.
I was asked to join a senior hockey league what I failed to do was find out when the ice time was it turns out I'd have to take time off work which I cannot afford
I know the feeling, had to sleep a couple nights in the mountains with two pairs of sweatpants, shirt and quilted jacket, socks, and a stocking cap on my head to keep warm. I'm paying for it now, going to see the Doctor if I don't feel any better over the weekend.
Guys you don't catch a cold from getting cold
The reality being from what I'vee learned the cold temp is more likely to kill the cold causing virus it's in the house with it's higher temp thats a breeding ground for the virus
pain in the @ss no matter how it reared it's ugly head.....

I realize the act of just being cold did not spur on the cold, but I tend to come down with a cold of Flu after every camping trip that has involved sleeping out in very cold temps. Usually starts with a sore throat, then head congestion. This time my ears are involved and I'm getting a bit of Vertigo. Heading to the Doc at lunch as the ear thingy has spread to my left ear as well.

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