What Annoyed You Today?

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Having lost so much time trying 4 times to burn a DVD which made me so late I didn't go to a party I was looking forward to for weeks.

Why doesn't that stuff just work when it's supposed to?

That stinks.... in soccer I got tripped and my ankles are really weak.... they hurt...

Bright side I scored 3 goals against the team we were playing who is ranked #1... final score 6-1
Was going to sit my UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) today and the train I was planning on getting stopped at the station as per usual and then waited. There were around 50-100 of us waiting to get on and the doors never opened and the train drew off without anyone getting on, was absolutely raging. To make matters worse the next train would make me miss my appointment (which was unmissable as there were no more bookings) so it cost me £60 in a taxi to get there. :mad:
digging up friggin weeds in the yard today....can't they just not grow!!...or do it some place else...:lol:

I know the feeling, my neighbour cultivates them and the prevailing wind plants the seeds in my yard, millions of them.

Was going to sit my UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) today and the train I was planning on getting stopped at the station as per usual and then waited. There were around 50-100 of us waiting to get on and the doors never opened and the train drew off without anyone getting on, was absolutely raging. To make matters worse the next train would make me miss my appointment (which was unmissable as there were no more bookings) so it cost me £60 in a taxi to get there. :mad:

Bl**dy trains, you'd have thought they would have noticed. Hope you did okay with the test and I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is the Clinical Test and what's if for?
:hotsun: :hotsun:
Rediscovering after yesterday's water gymnastic lesson just HOW bad my general physical shape is, and in particular that the nerves in my back still works perfectly fine...*growls*...painkillers, you've got to love 'em! :lol:
Good luck with the medical test.


Bl**dy trains, you'd have thought they would have noticed. Hope you did okay with the test and I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is the Clinical Test and what's if for?
:hotsun: :hotsun:

Yeah he didn't seem to notice and the station master had no idea what just happened.

UKCAT is essential just an aptitude test to see if you have the necessary skills (aptitude) to do medicine. I thought it was pretty easy so I think I got good scores (they appear to be relative so I can't really tell). Was certainly better than average, so hopefully bodes well for my application (if the rest of it is good enough).


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