What Annoyed You Today?

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Went to the dentist today. Thought I'd cracked a crown a few months back (Dad died the same day, so it hasn't really been top-priority), so went to get it fixed. They took a look, and promptly proclaimed it to be a tooth that was cracked. Dang. Two fillings later (added metal in mouth was balanced by removing an equal amount of cash from my debit card), I'm good to go, with the standard admonishment to "come see us soon for a cleaning".
I'm luck, Lucky. I live at home, no more work so can feel crook and sh**y like today without taking a sicky……Hope you feel better sooooon
:hotsun: :hotsun:
Went to the health club last night. Walked on the Treadmill and watched the Minnesota Twins play the Detroit Tigers for the chance to play the Yanks in the playoffs. Do not have cable at home so I spent the evening on the treadmill watching the game. Wouldn't you know it, dang game had to go into extra innings and I did not want to miss the end.
Overall spend almost 3 hours on the treadmill watching the game. Could not feel the bottoms of my feet towards the end and now this morning I am completely exhausted, can't get my eyes to focus, and I have a headache. Suprisingly my feet and legs don't really feel that bad.
Had to leave school early for a orthodontist appointment. I go there, I had broken a bracket and they were going to replace it when the lady broke 4 more brackets, I ended up spending 1 and a half hours in the office........... ON top of that my new wire hurts like a b*tch

Jan! Get better soon!
No problem!

Ah crap! Mueller Water failed me in the stock market, lost 200 dollars, shakes head in defeat.

Oh the bright side HOGS (That's the ticker symbol) A Chinese Pig slaughtering company made me 80 dollars and Eldurado Gold made me gain 284 dollars (this isn't including margin interest.........But, I'm sure I'll loose it all tommorow.....

This is a game for school, using virtual money but it updates with the regular stock market. I'm in first outta 80 kids, my dad helps a lot. :lol:
Went to the health club last night. Walked on the Treadmill and watched the Minnesota Twins play the Detroit Tigers for the chance to play the Yanks in the playoffs. Do not have cable at home so I spent the evening on the treadmill watching the game. Wouldn't you know it, dang game had to go into extra innings and I did not want to miss the end.
Overall spend almost 3 hours on the treadmill watching the game. Could not feel the bottoms of my feet towards the end and now this morning I am completely exhausted, can't get my eyes to focus, and I have a headache. Suprisingly my feet and legs don't really feel that bad.

Wow, who'd ever thought watching a game could be healthy - :lol:


Jan, hope you feel better soon!
Went to the hobby shop... I walked to the tools rack, bent over to pick-up a tool at the bottom of the rack and... Scratch ! Ripped the seat of my jeans. The most annoying thing is that I didn't notice it until about 30 minutes later...

Now, where is the friggin hidden camera ?

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