What Annoyed You Today? (4 Viewers)

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Cortisone worked acharm on my shoulder hasn't bugged me in several years , mind you my MD is also an accupunture guy so he's a dab hand with the needle.

I don't doubt it would help, but I've read of many people having thier Achilles rupture from just the cortizone injection alone which concerns me.
On the good side it's feeling much better today. I don't seem to injure it as much as I used to and it takes much less time to heal up that it used to. Hopefully am turning the corner on this. Plan is to loose more weight and do my ankle/calf stretches diligently. If it's not cleared up by spring I'll check into more drastic measures.
Picked up a (verbal) fight with a Morrocan employee at the place where I work. We had a relatively... erhm... "constructive" debate over abortion. All went wrong when he threated our society of "barbarian society". There I just exploded. Ended up telling him to f*ck off.

I'm still on the adrenaline rush as we speak...
Back and knee feeling better, I'm finally getting rid of a major cold, antibiotics done - only to start coming down with the flu.
I'm FED UP with being ill one way or the other!!! *growls*

Oh well...on the up side of things, I'm not pregnant, and I don't have a toothache! :lol:
Got yet another ear infection!! I thought ear infections were for youngsters? I've had more of them in my adult life than in my youth by far.

Also, local grocery store almost caused my to drive off the road last night. Bought a small sandwich and bottle of milk for the drive home. Opened the milk and took a big mouthfull only to find it was pretty chunky. Then the taste hit me, eyes crossed, and then the smell hit, aaarghhh. Luckily I did not swallow any of it, but the foul taste stayed with me for a while, even after chewing on a couple peices of Spearment gum. Nasty!!!

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