What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Was awake half the night due to a sore shoulder from the Tetanus shot I got yesterday. Good thing you only need them once every ten years. Still is throbbing a bit this morning.
Discovering that DR2 currently shows the american documentary "The War" - and I didn't discover that until yesterday, when they'd gotten to the D-Day episode....I'd have loved to tape the entire series! *growls*
Internet has been ridiculously slow for the past week (to the extent it has literally stopped completely for periods of time). Think we went of our download limit and therefore now have no bandwidth to play with. Hopefully by Sunday we will be back up to speed. Damn download limits, glad I don't have them when I'm at home, unlimited internet is great.
why do adults who take their kids Trick or Treating think they should get to lug around a bag and get candy too??

Really? I love Halloween just as much (if not more) than the next guy/gal... as I sit here in a princess ball gown heels and tiara with twinkle lights leading the path to my front door and candles all aglow.....

but seriously.... putting out a bag and expecting candy??? Are you high? And you don't even live in my neighborhood!!

Next year I'm putting up a "WE CARD" sign... those over 21 won't be served.

((And while we're at it, what's with the kids yelling in the door "IT's TRICK OR TREAT TIME... WHERE'S MY TREAT??" you've got to be kidding me!!!!!!! Troll. You're not getting anything until you learn some manners!))

I love high school kids who still dress up- shows they still have some kid in them and on some level still know they're not quite adults yet. That's great. I'll give them stuff...

but these are married couples with their kid in a stroller- and 3 bags...

and I don't give out candy- we give out freeze pops (or otter pops) unfrozen so they can go home and freeze them and have them tomorrow when it's hot outside. THe kids love them-- and the high schoolers drink the juice while they head to the next house!! every year I hear "Score" "YES", Cool, tonight I got "Yeah, we found them!!!!"

I'm now giving tootsie rolls to parents and rude kids. Everyone else gets the freeze popsl

Don't mess with this teacher!!!!!!!!
:lol: No parents trick or treat here.

I live in the 'country' area of New Jersey, about 1 hour from New York City, and there are a good amount of kids that go out, so there are rude kids who knock over the scare-crow holding the bucket of candy. So this year we decided to turn the tables. I dressed up as the Scare crow (Yes we had to un-stuff it and get me in it) so this year the kids who did it came and when they went to push me over (In the scare-crow costume) I screamed and they screamed and one fell down the front steps. He started crying (uninjured, just startled) , but hey, you mess with our stuff and We'll get you back! :evil: :lol:

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