What Annoyed You Today?

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Crashed my car on the quay level today... Destroyed my brakes' oil hose and my wheels need to be checked.

At first, I thought the accident was caused by the fact that I was probably driving on ice, but the mechanic told me that the hose was so rusty that it must have broken when I tryed to slow down before turning... Causing the accident.

Ford Ranger with Michellin tires... A though pick-up truck. Must have hit the thing at about 40km/h, but no major damage. Didn't even get a flat tire. I do need to go back to the garage to get those wheels checked, though.
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We were having some landscaping work done last week. Most of the planting we can do ourselves, but we needed to have a landscaping crew add a fair amount of fill and regrade some of the planting beds. Since they were using a mini-excavator, we did the sensible thing and called the utility cable locators. They came out to the house and located both the phone and the telephone/internet cables for us. (You know where this is going right?)

So with the phone cable marked on the NORTH side of the driveway, but only buried about 6 to 8 inches deep, and the electrical cable buried 3 feet deep on the SOUTH side, the landscaping crew started tiling on the SOUTH side. Sure enough, on the FIRST pass of the excavator, no more than 4 inches down, the landscapers snapped an 8 foot length of phone cable out of the ground - more than 15 feet SOUTH of the where the cable markers spotted it!!! :evil:

Fortunately we were able to have a temporary cable run from the street box to the house and all the services are back on line. But now we're going to have a permanent cable installed using a directional borer. THANKFULLY, WE are NOT liable for either the damage or the cost of repair since we called the cable locators FIRST. Still - talk about a collosal c*ckup!
Went for a walk on the trail up the road from work today at lunch. On the way back had a stray dog follow me all the way back to my truck. Did not have a collar or any other identification on her. She was friendly though. She was playing with some kids as I walked by and she decided to attach herself to me and follow me 3/4 of a mile back t to my truck.
She appeared to be healthy and fed well so I just wondered if she wandered off from home and knew her way back, but she seemed a little confused by her surroundings, but still took time to chase some Squirrels as we walked past them.
Annoys me that people would either just drop a dog of in the middle of nowehere and hope someone picks it up or does not put identification on thier animals? I suppose it could have run off before they put it's collar on as it looked like it may have worn a collar.
Couple ladies in the parking area picked him up and said they would take him to the shelter. I hope she finds her way home or finds a new one as she was a very friendly dog. I'd take her myself, but just don't have the room.
I'm going to walk that trail the next several days and see if any "Lost Dog" signs apear on the trail.
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I left my Movado wrist watch, one my wife bought me in San Francisco in '98 before we married, the black face, gold dot for the 12 model, with a watch repair shop. Two bl**dy months ago. Said he would call me when ready, never did. Called him today, watch was ready, never called me, shop was robbed and my bl**dy watch was one of the group stollen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well just kiss my yanky red *ss. cheers? Bill
Strange Dog day yesterday. As I mentioned before I had a stray follow me during my walk at lunchtime yesterday and some gals brought him to the Animal shelter for me.
Well, after work last night I went for another hike in the woods on the way home. About 15 minutes into the walk I saw a girl sitting on the trail under a trail light. Got closer and her Black Lab was lying next to her. She said he just chased a Rabbit and collapsed. He did not look good at all, legs were stiff and she said his belly was all tightened up. Thought maybe he had a stroke?
She had just called her boyfriend to come meet her with a cart, but he did not know the way around the park. I told her to call him back and have him meet me at the park entrance and I would lead him to where the dog and she were. I hiked back and mett up with him and by the time we got back to the Dog he was looking much better. He was still a little out of it, but his tail was wagging and he was sitting up. He was happy to see the girls boyfriend. Dog wanted to walk back, and did not want to get into the cart, but she made him.
He did not like that cart ride back to the car, and really didn't like when the girls boyfriend ran up the trail to geet the vehicle and meet us on the trail. Loaded him into the car and they left for the vet. I think the girl was a little suprised that I offered as much assistance as I did. I hate to see an animal suffer, hope he is feeling well today.
Girl thinks he may have what she called a turned stomach, where the dogs stomach get twisted around and they have a hrd time going to the bathroom. Hopefully he is well this morning. I hope I see her in the park again so I can find out how he is doing.
Looks like my new part time job, Animal Rescuer;) Good feeling to help someone in need.
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Was chatting to the rather cute tillgirl on Saturday. Messing around I started saying how much I loved her and couldn't bare to be apart. She then told me she'd always really liked me but didn't think I thought the same way. It was my last day there and I leave for New Zealand on Friday. FML.
That's just not fair NC!

My boiler has decided to throw a fit and not work.... This is starting to get to me, washing machine and now this, this black hole seems to get deeper and darker.... :(

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