What Annoyed You Today? (2 Viewers)

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I don't know what is p*ssing me off more....

The fact I have a baseball game at 9 at night in a town that is an hour away. Or the fact that it is pouring and cold and the coach is refusing to cancel the game :evil:

Ah yes and Get BETTER soon Jan!!!
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Is it winter yet ?

Two days ago, first snowstrom with a stunning 10-15cm of snow... and a general electrical breakdown. No electrical power in the whole town for 8 hours.

Yesterday, an other snow storm that left 10cm of snow on the ground.

What's the deal with that ? There is still f*cking leaves on the trees and we get snow ?
Two weeks to go until I hit the woods to do some deer hunting and I hear several people at work haking and sneezing with the flu!!! The guy that appears to be the sickest spends half his day in our department talking to my Boss. I better not get sick for hunting season that's all I can say!!! Hopefully the anti-biotics I'm taking for my ear infection stave off catching this junk. Getting flu shot tomorrow as well, better keep the grms away.
Just got back from the doctor. Flue shot in left arm, Tetanus shot in the right. Drew blood for test from right arm as well, took nurse nearly 5 minutes to get that stinkin needle into a vein!!! Always have that problem, forgot to wish her luck before she started poking around like I usually do.
Now I've got three bandages to peel off from my hair covered arms later!!!
Yeah, just ripped them off as quik as I could. Not to bad. Shoulder I got the Tetanus shot in is aching though, just as the nurse warned it might. Been through much worse.
Why not just wash the tape with water, that usually makes the glue soft instead; then you can peel the tape off gently?

Not manly enough;) Plus it gives me something else to complain about;)
I usually do it the way you mention, but don't think the co-workers would appreciate me using the sink to loosen bandages.
Oh well, I went to the phys on monday morning and had three blood samples done.
Guess who just didn't think and then proceeded to rip the tape off with a yelp when she got home? :lol:
Guess who just didn't think and then proceeded to rip the tape off with a yelp when she got home? :lol:

You should listen to your own bandage removing advice;)

Thinks I'm having an allergic reaction to one of the shots. Neck is red, dimpled, and itchy. On the bright side the Sun is out, finally, and I'm almost done with work and it's time for a long walk in the woods.

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