What Annoyed You Today?

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Snot, cough, fever, antibiotics. *sneezes wipes monitor screen clean again*
And no boyfriend to complain about it to - now THAT'S terrible! :lol:
I must wait for Wojtek, because he said he has a couple minor things I need to correct before painting. But after we can start the Stuka build :D

No problems H, but want' a see the P-40 looking proud first

Making a display base today and drilled the mounting hole in the wrong place after it took 6hrs to cut/trim/stain/varish the piece of wood :evil: WASTED :evil:

That's tough Ian, can't you repair and hid it some way?
:cry: :cry:

Snot, cough, fever, antibiotics. *sneezes wipes monitor screen clean again*
And no boyfriend to complain about it to - now THAT'S terrible! :lol:

You got all us guys Babe!!!!! Hope you feel better soon…..
:hotsun: :hotsun:
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Channel surfing today and found a show on a Dambusters survivor and his aircraft "T for Tommy" which happened to be the reserve aircraft for the raid, problem was it was half way through....:( Bummer!!

will have to keep a lookout in the future for a repeat airing...
All this hooo-raah on the forum about Obama getting the Nobel Peach Prize [plus 1.4 million dollars].
There are more important things to talk about on the forum.

Ankle from hell is acting up again. Felt it pull on Sunday when I thought I was a strongman and carried a big, heavy, nastly Television up the stair by myself. Thankfully I can walk on it fairly well, but have shooting pain starting at my heal and shooting all the way up my calf muscle.
Seeing a new Doctor in a week and will see if he will do anything other than send me to a Physical Therapist and want to do Cortizone shot into the ankle, that can do more damage than just living with it from what I've read. Chainsaw is still and option as well, Bzzzzzzzz, problem solved!!!
Finally felt a little better this morning, so I went to work.
Only to go back home again a couple of hours later, when the fever started boiling yet again.
The antibiotic pill thingys works just fine, so it must be some kind of virus that's having a feckin' party, buggering me.
Had lunch, took a nap, woke up 4 hours later when both the bed gear and yours truly were drenched in sweat. Yum. Ew.
Took a shower,had dinner and no appetite; relaxed by watching tv and started to knit a pair of socks for my mom, and now I certainly wouldn't mind going back to bed ASAP. *yawns big time tries to look chipper...ah, forget it...wrings eyes flollops onto the couch*
Oh yes, and I STILL don't have anyone in my life to complain to, and to whine and pester about feeling lousy and feverish again. :lol:
And yes, I'm bored senseless right now. *growls*
Ankle from hell is acting up again. Felt it pull on Sunday when I thought I was a strongman and carried a big, heavy, nastly Television up the stair by myself. Thankfully I can walk on it fairly well, but have shooting pain starting at my heal and shooting all the way up my calf muscle.
Seeing a new Doctor in a week and will see if he will do anything other than send me to a Physical Therapist and want to do Cortizone shot into the ankle, that can do more damage than just living with it from what I've read. Chainsaw is still and option as well, Bzzzzzzzz, problem solved!!!

Cortisone worked acharm on my shoulder hasn't bugged me in several years , mind you my MD is also an accupunture guy so he's a dab hand with the needle.

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