What Annoyed You Today?

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My son had a car accident today on the way home from work. A 4 wheel drive decided to do a U-turn from his lane across the lane my son was in....problem was my son was right along side the D!ckhead when he turned...no chance to avoid a collision. The pr!ck actually left the scene, chased by a witness car, he then returned provided details and left again....F*cking idiot!

car is not driveable...Guess we will see what the go is tomorrow...


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Two things: Is your son ok? Also, can you give me a description of the other driver, so I can have some "friends" look for him so they can "talk" about the virtues of safe driving?

Thanks for your concern Guys, Aaron is fine just p*ssed off he only just finished paying his Uncle for the car 2 weeks ago.

I smell a rat...he bolted then came back, after being chased, then left pretty quick again after details were exchanged....wonder if the Pr*ck had been drinking?

Mac, I would like to speak to the B@stard about safe driving myself....can only hope he will get to hospital pretty quick for an operation to get his head out of his @rse!!!
I smell a rat...he bolted then came back, after being chased, then left pretty quick again after details were exchanged....wonder if the Pr*ck had been drinking?

Sounds likely mate , glad your son was alright

I'd be majorly pissed too , esp after only paying it off 2 weeks before hand!

Good luck with it
Thanks fellas, as Aaron is only an apprentice with minimal income he only had, by choice, fire and theft insurance so he is not covered on his policy, the other wanker has insurance so he has now sent a registered letter to the guy holding him responsible for the accident and requested he provide details within 7 days of his intentions.....as per legal aid advice.

So we will find out soon if he is honorable or a ....?
This actually happened to me yesterday after a week and a half of not driving in crazy, over agressive driving conditions.
Was driving north on a four lane highway and saw a police car with lights coming up behind me very fast (I was driving 70 MPH). Rest of traffic was oblivious to the squad. I started to slow down, moved to the right and had the truck about halfway on the shoulder and half in the right lane.
Girl behind me swerves into the right lane when she sees the police, but instead of slowing down she tries to pass me as the cop is going by in the left lane!!! She finally slows down and pulls in behind me.
After the police car passes she starts speeding up and started to pass me, I hit the acceleator and pulled up next to her and let he know of my displeasure, she got the heck out of there in a hurry. Was hoping the police would nab her, but looks like they had a guy in cuffs up the road a bit and were in the process of going through his bags.
Not sure what pissed me off more, the oblivious, stare straight ahead as you drive along singing along to the radio mentality of drivers or the dumb sh#@ chicky that thinks she can pass me as a police officer is trying to get through traffic!!

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