What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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God ode hedd of a gold goind hede....sduffed dose, sore dhroad, headache, dhroad sore, fever...ARGH!!!
I HADE id!!! *sneeze.mp3* *wipes pc screen*
Dhere's odly ode cure: Coffee, a good book ("Dhightfighders") and quied.

Say what?

Still no f*cking gas/heat! Phone someone to check the heater tomorrow, even though I think it's on the outside and beyond my controll..... Will cost me 60 bl**dy donkeys!!
Friggin cat deciding it wanted to take a dump just outside the front door, chased it off JUST in time....Cheeky b@sturd!

used to have that problem at our old house, cat just used to ignore me but soon stopped about a week after i got my dog home from the rescue shelter, just opened the door and said go get 'em son !!!!
talk about off like a scalded cat
used to have that problem at our old house, cat just used to ignore me but soon stopped about a week after i got my dog home from the rescue shelter, just opened the door and said go get 'em son !!!!
talk about off like a scalded cat

I turn the hose on the neighbors cats. Keeps them away for about 6 months, then they try again. It makes my day when I sqeeze the nozel and soak the buggers.
Nasty winter weather, frozen slippery streets, stupid drivers, sports talk radio I am forced to listen to this morning whining about the Vikings loss all day (get over it, life goes on), no sleep last night, sore neck, and I need a beer but it's only
9:00 am and am stuck at work for 7 more hours!!!

I need to take a day off and just get lost somewhere on my own for a day!!!
Weather turned nasty (but beautiful) last night. Been snowing on and off all day with temps around -10 C right now. Supposed to get much colder throughout the week and continue to snow all week.
Weather turned nasty (but beautiful) last night. Been snowing on and off all day with temps around -10 C right now. Supposed to get much colder throughout the week and continue to snow all week.

So ... that means that here in the UK we are also probably going to get some more snow ?

Oh great, just what I needed (not)
??? What is the Royal Court?

Thank goodness for Advil, took a massive dose when I woke up this morning.

Its essentially 3 body weight exercises that you can use for basic strength and fitness

( its on this website Power Fitness but I am not promoting this commercially its all free - note this is NOT my website - I am not commercially linked with it in any way)
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??? What is the Royal Court?

Thank goodness for Advil, took a massive dose when I woke up this morning.

That is because you are DeHydrated my friend - you need to drink at least 1.5 Liters of H2O per day

Look up 'water cure' on Google sometime - it really works - also Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D
That is because you are DeHydrated my friend - you need to drink at least 1.5 Liters of H2O per day

Look up 'water cure' on Google sometime - it really works - also Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D

Don't think it was dehydration, drink plenty of water. Muscles just need to get accustomed to lifting weights again. Probably started off with a little too heavy weights to begin with. Muscles will rest today, then do some light lifting again tomorrow.

Do try the Royal Court - it has helped me tremendously although I am still a bit chubby (see also Matt Furey even though he is a bit of a salesman, his information is good at root )

Also, do not be afraid of Salt if you take plenty of Water - salt is not all bad and helps with cramps
Some dingbat (appologies to any other dingbats reading this) cut me off at the last second in the Library parking lot. Snot nosed little teanager in the back seat proceeded to stick his tongue out at me, then as the drove away turned around and stuck it out again, I was making some appreciative hand gestures to them at that point!!!
Damn near followed them to thier destination, but figured it would be wiser to let it slide..
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