What Annoyed You Today? (12 Viewers)

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$1500 Server I was using as a testbed to test system boards went up in smoke today!!!! Now in addition to repairing the system boards I have to repair the Testbed as well. Wasted time in something that will not make my department and money!!!
OK, this is really starting to piss me off!!! Third time in as many weeks that some dumba$$ salesman has turned the light off in the mens room at work while I was in there!!! Gets pretty flipping dark in there.
I use to scratch myself in my sleep, if that is what the word above means.

That happens a lot - especially during a Full Moon

You wake up next day, scratch marks on your arms .... fangs stuck in the bed-post .... its all so confuzing
My friend, who's 20, is getting married to someone and I'm pretty sure she's just using him to get into the country...

Is it a Green Card job ? What country is she from ?

Here in the UK we don't have that problem so much since we joined the EU - they just walk right in, ready or not, here they come
Is it a Green Card job ? What country is she from ?

Here in the UK we don't have that problem so much since we joined the EU - they just walk right in, ready or not, here they come

Indonesia. I think they do love each other, but they also fight all the time and I just don't think they're ready to get married. Personal opinion I guess, though one most of my friends share.
Indonesia. I think they do love each other, but they also fight all the time and I just don't think they're ready to get married. Personal opinion I guess, though one most of my friends share.

When people fight before getting married, well, it is a bad sign. On the other hand, I am not really a 'relationships' sort of a person.

Living on your own has definite benefits if you can handle it !
Discovering that I'm also allergic to perfume, among other things.
This means g'bye to soap, deodorant, perfume, laundry detergent, fabric softener, dish washing soap, make-up and so on, that's got perfume in it.
Basically, I'll have to chuck out almost all the cleaning stuff that I've got in the kitchen cupboard, and most of the stuff I've got in the bathroom.
And perfume is one of the things that's almost impossible to avoid - just think of when you go to the supermarket, and you have to buy for example some shaving cream.
There's perfume in the shaving cream, and the whole aisle with personal care stuff literally reeks of perfume.
I think I really really hurt my leg at a friends house but don't want to tell my mom. My knee, toes, and upper leg hurt so bad.... I can't even walk...F*CK

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