What Annoyed You Today?

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Yeah, Jan, I'm not good at saying I'm sorry to hear but praying for your friend. And you keep smilin'!
Sounds cool :D

Jack, why won't you have time?

Well heres the story: So originally I had time in the fall and winter to occasionally build a model here and there even with high school and sports getting in the way a bit. But now as Im starting swimming for the spring (a "necessary evil" that I am basically required to do to stay in shape for water polo) and doing club water polo I just got my "new" schedule: I have water polo and swimming every week day and then since Im one of the "better" or faster freshmen, I was just told I may have to lift in the morning so I have to go to bed earlier the nights before. This along with increasing home work for honors classes means that I have no time for models during the week. And dont get me started with weekends! No time at all! And I just got a Ju 290 for Christmas. Not fair!!!:cry: Ok rants over:lol:
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Took a walk in the park last night and slipped on some ice in a couple spots. Did not fall, but the joint where my leg joins my hip is pretty painful this morning, hard to navigate steps. Oh well, thinks could be worse.
I'd pay good money to send all NZ's rain your way mate if I could just have your clear skies

Last I heard though , the weather doesn't take bribes
Just found out I will not be able to Test for Tech Sergent this year cause I had a referal performance report. I was out for most of the year cuase of my lower back surgery. What could I do. Anyways, Im out in Augest heading back to California.

Cancelled my appointment for Sunday....and moved it up to 11 o'clock today.......this is my F*CKING day off.....

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