What Annoyed You Today?

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Its been a few days, but on Monday I got my blood drawn from a blood drive we had here at LSC. It went alright until the tail end, where I started to feel sick. Then, I guess I just blacked out for less than a minute, because the next thing that I remember, all of these nurses were hovering over me. It was quite embarassing. :oops:
My laptop took a crap on me this morning. why do I go to Good Guys???????????? It won't boot up for me. sh!t. and I can't leave home coz the Super Bowl is on today!

How I Solved 99% of my PC Issues :signhuh: ... no really its true

1. I habitually run CCleaner on Boot-up and most of my PC Nightmares are over (make sure you get free version from File Hippo or similar)

2. I also Defrag and Clean-Disk regularly (once a week or so) - these are built into XP etc

3. AND have MS Security Centre running in residence and with timed quick scan

Note. This is not an advert or promo - all the above stuff is FREE and I never pay for anything (mostly anyhow)
:lol: As I've always said, the only sure fire way to predict the weather is to stick your head out the window!!!

I try to avoid doing this when driving the car - it blows my spectacles off

Personally, I sometimes go on to the roof to look at the weather

- then I throw myself down and say 'why me Lord' ?
I cut my hand with a utility knife while removing trim from the wall.
I was using it to cut the paint and get behind the trim and it slipped.

Not going to post pictures, it wasn't gruesome enough for this crowd. :p


I have many scars - the worst was actually while cleaning up a model kit with a stanley knife which slipped and stabbed my thumb

Note. I have learned to always cut away from the hand(s) and use leather gloves if necessary - they do help.
Being in the hospital last night for a serve allergic reaction to a Hepatitis A shot (No NOT the STD :lol: the food poisoning one.)
I agree, the weatherman can kiss my b***. Just enough rain to get the golfers damp, then the bloody sun came out and set us all on fire. Gord ahmighty the humidity killd me. Oh, was I supposed to be at work or something????
Well let me see (yesterday)....lost my modelling time when SHE who must be obeyed said we were going out visiting....

then I dropped my MP3 player....now thats f*cked:evil:

and then to top it off....couldn't get on the forum last night.....goddamit!!!
I agree, the weatherman can kiss my b***. Just enough rain to get the golfers damp, then the bloody sun came out and set us all on fire. Gord ahmighty the humidity killd me. Oh, was I supposed to be at work or something????

Don't worry guys. Here on the East Coast we're starting something called "Snow Relief For Diggers". We gonna ship all this snow we got the last few weeks - all the way to you! :) And.....wait.....its snowing again!!!!!!! :(
I agree, the weatherman can kiss my b***. Just enough rain to get the golfers damp, then the bloody sun came out and set us all on fire. Gord ahmighty the humidity killd me. Oh, was I supposed to be at work or something????

Don't worry guys. Here on the East Coast we're starting something called "Snow Relief For Diggers". We gonna ship all this snow we got the last few weeks - all the way to you! :) And.....wait.....its snowing again!!!!!!! :(
Don't worry guys. Here on the East Coast we're starting something called "Snow Relief For Diggers". We gonna ship all this snow we got the last few weeks - all the way to you! :) And.....wait.....its snowing again!!!!!!! :(

No Business like Snow Business !

Today I was sent a stupid form by a recruitment agent

In fact it was so in-appropriate I decided not to fill it in - the agent was a donkey anyhow
No Business like Snow Business !

Today I was sent a stupid form by a recruitment agent

In fact it was so in-appropriate I decided not to fill it in - the agent was a donkey anyhow

Note to moderators

I seem to have double posted - can you knock out the surplus one (and this one too I guess) please ?

thank you
A package of mine is in the wrong post office...just found that out it's been their for 2 weeks.

Don't want to call Fedex....!!!! :evil: I really, don't have the time or nerves to pickup the phone....

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