What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Big problems with airbrush today, then compressor got to damned hot and cut out and lost a Kg or two sweating in the shed.

:hotsun: :hotsun:
What have you been sniffing Daniel......Paint or Glue.....:lol::lol:
....or woman?

Eeerrrmmm.....just this morning,

It's Sunday
Being pratted
Sh*te on soapbox
Todays 'music'
Todays 'quality' movies
Low on Guinness
Not won big on the Euro Lottery yet
Too far to my three weeks off in Sweden
Not having a 1/48 Ju 52 yet
Run out of whisky
The oncoming Armageddon
Hackers and virus creators
Not finished all the kits that awaits to be finished
Not having enough space for afore mentioned kits

*and breath*
An earthquake this morning that nearly broke all my models!!

*shakes fist at god*

Jan, don't worry, we all have those days, sometimes spread apart in life for one , others its too often.

Chin up dude :)
It's Sunday
Being pratted
Todays 'music'
Todays 'quality' movies
Not won big on the Euro Lottery yet
Not having a 1/48 Ju 52 yet
The oncoming Armageddon
Hackers and virus creators
Not finished all the kits that awaits to be finished
Not having enough space for afore mentioned kits

I second all of the above

Its bad enough I have to deal with the public ("Theres a hawk outside thats eating all the squirrels and I want him removed" -swear to god that was a call today!!!) but since they are grooming me as the next supervisor I have to deal with some of the dumbest, nick-picking, complainting , whinning humans on earth. They were actually, seriously complaining about the winter hat another co-worker was wearing!!!! Are You KIDDING ME!!!!
I know I was telling Jan chin up but

My life
Fighting people
A test grade I got back
Not being able to model (plastic)
Miss skiing
Had to go to the hospital to get blood drawn
My arm hurts
My teacher is a dick.
More friends fighting
I have been up till 2-4 every mornig

I think it is official MY LIFE SUCKS
Being ill. I have to go to the bathroom ever 15 minutes or so, so I hardly have time to post this. Only good thing is that my wife and kids went to my parents-in-law for a few days, so I can bear my misery in peaceful quietness.

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