What Annoyed You Today? (16 Viewers)

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I went down a really steep hill on a sled..... and there was a ramp at the end I went off and (like I had done a hundred times before this) tried to pull my knees under me... and one didn't quite make it and the whole leg hit a giant rock... it's alll black and blue..

:lol: What a story to tell on Monday..

"I got hurt sleigh riding"
I went down a really steep hill on a sled..... and there was a ramp at the end I went off and (like I had done a hundred times before this) tried to pull my knees under me... and one didn't quite make it and the whole leg hit a giant rock... it's alll black and blue..

:lol: What a story to tell on Monday..

"I got hurt sleigh riding"
My 4 yr old gets really rocking , got a fairly steep hill about a block away so I gotta go every day , now her and her friend try and hit each other as they use the carpet sled
Discovering that I'm also allergic to perfume, among other things.
This means g'bye to soap, deodorant, perfume, laundry detergent, fabric softener, dish washing soap, make-up and so on, that's got perfume in it.
Basically, I'll have to chuck out almost all the cleaning stuff that I've got in the kitchen cupboard, and most of the stuff I've got in the bathroom.
And perfume is one of the things that's almost impossible to avoid - just think of when you go to the supermarket, and you have to buy for example some shaving cream.
There's perfume in the shaving cream, and the whole aisle with personal care stuff literally reeks of perfume.

Just a question... Did you consider buying more natural stuff ? I know there can be a lot of chemical products in perfumes, so may be it is those chemical products that are giving you allergies.
I think I really really hurt my leg at a friends house but don't want to tell my mom. My knee, toes, and upper leg hurt so bad.... I can't even walk...F*CK

Bite the bullet - go see a doc

( or a nurse or a physiotherapist, or a chiropracter, osteopath )
Just a question... Did you consider buying more natural stuff ? I know there can be a lot of chemical products in perfumes, so may be it is those chemical products that are giving you allergies.

Yes - and anyhow, when they say you are allergic to perfume - Which one for goodness sake ?

There are flaming Millions of smelly cosmetic products, so surely it cannot be all of them all of the time ? :?:

Note : I use Natural Soap with Sea-Salt combo

Apart from sounding like a complete nancy boy, I have to say that my shaving rash has disappeared in short order
My laptop took a crap on me this morning. why do I go to Good Guys???????????? It won't boot up for me. sh!t. and I can't leave home coz the Super Bowl is on today!
I'm gonna drink a unhealthy amount of Tequila.....

Unknown...."I cannot stand being awake, the pain is too much"
Unknown...."Love means exposing yourself to the pain of being hurt, deeply hurt by someone you trust."
Oscar Wilde...."The heart was made to be broken"
Not annoyed per se... but have had to put the kits away for a month. Going on holiday for three weeks next weekend, which can't be bad, and will be incredibly busy between now and departure. How will I possibly survive?

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