What Annoyed You Today? (2 Viewers)

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Having to stay awake after coming home a bit too late, because I do not wake up when I had very little sleep, I keep on sleeping and nothing like a alarm clock will wake me up.

It sucks to love sleep.
A coat has been forgotten at the place where I work. I looked in it's pockets and found out a metal box with everything needed to roll your own cigarettes (was smelling more like Marijuana than tobaco, if you ask me), two or three "Peter Jackson" cigarettes and an (empty) bag of Hashish.

I also found out that the owner of the coat is a student at the Montréal's Polytechnique (a school famous for forming engineers). The fact that leaving my workplace without a coat when it was -3° C outside makes me believe that he was pretty drunk and/or stoned.

Hah ! An engineer wanna-be smoking weed. Where's the world going ? Next time I cross a bridge, trust me that I'm gonna move really fast.
You can't hate weather, Henk. You have to like weather by its own definition. Otherwise how do you establish a norm from which you derive your annoyance. :)
Well about 25 degrees C is about norm for me. Not to hot and not to cold, but the thing is that the weather here are now hot the one day and very cold the next and it has a very bad impact on your body as well.
Shame mate I feel for you.

I must walk to work again, nice work out so to speak, but I am too lazy today.
The guy who has just moved in below me has taken to playing r b music at a volume that vibrates my floor. So loud in fact that I've tried knocking on his door 3 times to no avail

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