What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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hmmmm my day hasn't finished just yet but TRAFFIC early in the morning makes me really annoyed...
Try being a pedestrian who has to cross it somehow to catch the bus on the other side..!
Everyone's the king of the bloody road, and don't bow to NO-ONE !
The fact that ESKOM our power supplier here in SA started cutting power every day in every town over the country and said there is no more power for the whole country and that the public must be happy with the fact that it can go on for years.

Now businesses are going down because of this and without power we also do not make money.

F*cking New South Africa screwing everything and everyone once again.
Today is Friday and instead of a nice relaxing weekend I have an exam at 9am tomorrow. At least it is the last one before I fly out to South Africa on Sunday evening!

You lucky dog. Then you have some time off.

I do not know how your stay will be here in SA if we do not have a lot of.....

Bloody 'so called' technical support.

I got diverted to India 9 times out of 10 I rang over 2 weeks.

Can barely hear the person at the other but whats worse they don't know what I'm saying/ talking about.

No disrespect intended but you'd think that compotent people would be running these companies.
Spending ages sorting my car out which involved taking half the dash out. Put it all back together and find the instrument pod is faulty so had to drive home with no speedo or rev counter. Think I damaged the circuit board getting it out. Whoops
Getting diverted on the way home from college today, my usual route was flooded - so I had to make a 20 mile detour on to the motorway.

It's the same thing here... Big companies (like Bell Canada or Videotron) move their technical support branch to third world countries (India for example) to save money.

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