What Annoyed You Today? (3 Viewers)

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The best being an occupation of S.Africa by European and U.S forces, bringing the pathetic and demented ANC down and installing a real government.
Well guys the thing is if he dies the ANC will do what they want. The world just talk and try the peaceful way to end the drama. The sh*t will hit the fan, it is just when that is worrying.

Sleeping very little.
Sorry to hear about the Repetative Strain Syndrome Marcel. I was plagued with that a few years back. Would wake up in the middle of the night with a numb right hand that was locked clenched up in a fist. Had to use my other hand to pry my fingers apart and work them for a few minutes until I could move them on my own again.
Finally went under the knife to have the Carpal Tunnel opened up, have not had the problem since then. Very simple surgery, did not even put me under, although I could feel them tugging and cutting on the tendon during the operation, but that was the least obtrusive of all the surgeries I have had other the years and well worth the little bit of discomfort.
Nice to post in a thread without clashing with someone for a change;)
Yep, but clashing makes all the fun of th TPBM thread ;)
I don't have Carpal Tunnel sydrom, I've been tested for that. 2 years ago I had the same symptoms, things falling out of my hands, suddenly the power in my arm just drops and I have no control over it. Doctors identified it as a nerve being squeezed somwhere in the upper side of mu body. Surgery is not possible or advisable, It 'll go away with exercises and rest. At least last time it worked really well after a few months and I didn't have that problem until now. At least I already have the tools to keep on working (speech recognition etc.) which makes it a little easier. Also I still can do a little with my arm, but must not strain it too much as it'll make things worse. So no guitar playing for me, for some weeks, hopefully it'll bet better afterwards. Until things go better I'll have to use this Dragon proggy. Unfortunately I trained it mostly in dutch, so English is still a little sluggish, but I notice it's already working better after using it for 2 days.
One of my housemates is having a party, which I didn't know about until about 2 dozen drunk strangers turned up. They are now playing drum n'bass at a volume which is making my floor vibrate. I have eight hours until I have to be up for work. Think I'll be up for a while...............
Usually I sleep 6 hours up to 10 o'clock AM.But when I have to be on duty and go to work I almost don't sleep at all.I hate that.
Someone asked me why I was working on a holiday (MLK day)......my response "Well thats simple, because there are people like you out to see movies today"

Where do you work mate?

Sick of having the people below me come back more than two times to do the work properly that they were given. It is as if they do not give a sh*t and they will try and tell you that they did do it correctly, but when you show them they will still carry on saying that they did do it right.

Two other guys work under me and both of them is my friends, but the one just does not want to do his job right and I will later be faced with the fact that we must let him go and that can get messy.
I had the worst night after feeling today, and the worst is that I did not even drink much. I will never go to that bar again because every time I drink there I feel like sh*t, but not at the other bars.

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