What Annoyed You Today?

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Last night was f*cking out of this world....never sworn or cursed so much before, even told a colleague to "get of my f*cking back, I'm not in the f*cking mood"....just for noising me up....
The way I was going on....Les would have been so proud of my language he'd be drying a tear from his eye....
It looked like the medical practice I am working at (The only place that will give a blue collar idoit like me a office job AND our personal doctor, the only one that can keep the wife and I healthy) was going to have to shut down due to a BS olawsuit that had no merit. We got out of that last friday and after a weekend of feeling relieved yesterday the building inspector told us we had been rezoned and that we would have to apply for a exception, the filing fee is $9,000 alone and we only have 30 days to do everything including water tests etc and the lawsuit tapped everything out.
Hello three jobs again doing ape work with a body that's shot and ne medical care unless a miricle comes along...
Just tired of working hard to keep going back to square one at 38, we even have given up on children now because of not being able to provide.
Rant over..getting back to work and looking for a building inspector.
Art in DC
That sucks Cota, but I hope everything will turn out for the best for you guys.

When I got home last night and took off my shoes and socks the skin on my one foot came off and it was raw underneath and it just has not stopped with the pain.
Ow Henk. Erm, I know this sounds funny, but try soaking it in cold black tea. That should stop some of the swelling and the pain. Unless you can get aloe plants in Africa - those seem to really work on bad sunburns. (I tan, I wouldn't know. Hubby burns like an SOB though, and this has worked on him.)

If you're able to, a couple of aspirin will stop the majority of the pain.

Cota, man, that sucks. Seriously. But you're not alone - Pete is 41 and starting a new career, I'm 32, had to quit a career because I have carpal tunnel (medical transcriptionist) and have a kid coming.

Also, hard to find a house to live in - landlord wants us out of this one - we are staying past our lease and she is being a C*** about it. Sorry lady, but where the hell are we going to find a place that takes three cats, has two or three bedrooms and is on the ground floor? HM? Not here in Podunk, Northern New York!

Also, hubby pissed me off today. I set the alarm for 6:15 for him a FULL HOUR before he has to leave, and he STILL can't manage to get his lazy a** out of bed, eat his breakfast and get to work on time. I've NEVER seen someone so slow at waking up! (takes me 15 minutes, no sh**. I am the queen of 'Raus'. XD XD)
Red Baroness the swelling has gone down, but now I doctored it pretty well and I put my feet when it was swollen in vinegar water and it took it away in hours, but thank you for your advice.

You take long to get out of bed, it is like two minutes for me, I am usually late so I must harry up.

People are now living on the bread line here due to inflation and petrol/gas prices going up. Our pay does not go up so we can not afford the price hikes.
Here people do not give a sh*t for you if you do not have a car, they will run you over. A police car almost killed me the other day when he drove like a insane person. Glad you are OK mate.

My feet are killing me, and I must walk to work, but survive I must and will.
Had an arguement with a Morroccan I work with about the US being the greatest democracy...

Some peoples are blinded by their Anti-Americanism, he was argueing that India (yes In-f*cking-dia) was *the* greatest democracy on Earth. And, according to him, every problem in this world are caused by the US and Israel... And then a 100% Québeker-born jumped into the chat and started to piss on Americans too. Hah ! Is there any American willing to adopt a 23 year-old security officer ?

*Note to self* : Never try to argue with an Arab again.
Maestro I must say that a democracy is not the best thing always, it can bite you in the ass. All the types of government suck, but democracy works better. The US government makes decisions to make war not the people and I must give one thing to Israel, they do not take sh*t from those bastards, not always done "nicely", but effective.

Today has a funny feeling about it and it annoys me.
I reduced my driving last summer and am now down to one tank of gas a week. I filled up last weekend and paid $3.07. I saw this morning that it is now going for $3.17 - $3.20 a gallon. I have gone from a 3.0 Liter down to a compact. It may be time to borrow my father's motorcycle.

Ha, join the club mate, I do not use the car any more due to the fuel price here in SA, it takes to much out of my pay each month.

I must work in 2 hours time and I have not had a little bit of sleep, had a thing at a friends house and there was beer, friends and a lot of fun.

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