What Annoyed You Today?

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Stupid kids on their crappy BMX's. I know most of us grew out of this when we were 10, but if you insist on doing it don't sit in the road on a blind bend, in the dark, with no lights or helmets. Idiots.
Feel the 4th cold of the season coming on. Massive headache, sore neck and shoulders, stuffed up sinuses. I'm tired of this!
Ok, my first post here. My car would not start last night after work. Of course a front had come through and it was raining hard. Traffic on the roads were at a crawl. Did I worry, no. I called the auto club to help. I was told they would be here in about 50 mins. Long story short, 4 and 1/2 hours and 5 phone calls later I am pulling out of the drive way. The garage was only a 20 minute drive down the street! :evil:

I went fishing at the sea on thursday, but I sun burned my legs and the top of my feet, but my feet got swollen and I could not go and work for three days now, but not to be able to walk is bullsh*t. I learned my lesson now and will not do this again soon. African sun is not to be taken lightly, this never happened to me before in all my years going to the sea.

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