What Annoyed You Today?

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Sorry to hear that, Henk, If you're right, he'll learn the hard way I guess...
I had the same experience in Austria - 'Auslander' (foreigner) means 'cheap or free labour' there...

and Hurricane...we want all the gory details! (should we look in the 'what cheered you up today' thread ??
Well guys the hits just keep on coming - we have a visit today from the top of the hospital food chain and I've been volunteered to be miffing TEABOY !!!!
As for the IT freak , if he's not careful there'll be blood shed .
I'll keep ya posted .
So, you're the one who decides if they'll drink, say, a nice mild tea, or maybe a nice EXTRA strong black tea, am I right..?? So confusing too, salt looks just SO similar to sugar....
i've been a chef for 20 years but have been told that i have to do knife skills training at work otherwise my health and safety folder won't be up to date and won't be able to work for this company !!!!!!
but i'm wondering who the f**k is going to teach me anything new as i'm the most experiance guy in the hotel, fu**ing pen pushers
Always the way rochie,

I manged to forget my keys then ride home and then forget my bike lock and had to ride home again. All in the rain which I dont mind but Im now pretty muddy and soaked
Finally going to break down and get a pair or reading glasses so I don't have to hold a book at arms length or more to read!!! Otherwise my vision is 15/15 or better. Really suprised the young gal that tested my eyes, she actually called in a more experienced person to double check her findings. I guess there are worse things to have happen.
I know what you mean mate, I have the same problem with my left foot.

Petrol and Diesel going up this month. Diesel going for over R10 and petrol just under R10 a liter. Inflation is keeping us down and food and everything is going up over and over.
I don't flaming believe it . That little git wizzard IT waste of skin has come back and given me a telling of for not respecting my work PC . Just cos it's got a couple of coffee mug rings on it .
Well mate my mom wasted my PC by spilling a drink on it and killing the motherboard, but do not worry just take better care of it.

My f*cking game has not yet arrived, I am going mad because I have been waiting so long for it and my left foot is at it again crippling me and I did not do something stupid with it and I was not drunk, well not yesterday.
Well, Henk looks like we are the walking wounded, man....my knee is still giving me the Sh*ts too!!

Looks like I'm playing in goals tomorrow for Lacrosse otherwise I'm watching from the bench..I think!
One thing after another. Finally rid myself of a backache, not the foot I busted up in a Motorcycle accident is acting up again, hard to walk.
Plus burned the inside of my mouth chewing on a piece of Orbitz Cinnamon Gum. Can't taste a thing and it's hard to chew anything at all!!!

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