What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Adler I feel your pain mate, cars can be a pain in the @ss sometimes. Well I am not used to power steering. It is nice, but I like my normal steering with my Vdub Caddy pick up.

Having to go to work, was just not in the mood.

It's safe to come out now, right? A mite techy on the trigger, aint'cha? I guess I better watch my 'pie-whole' around here...

Umm...while my professional career as a mechanic was restricted to motorcycles, I have worked on dozens of cars, and not all of them use the serpentine belt system. Not that I've ever worked on a late model Jeep...

Anyway, glad you've chilled a bit, and I hope you didn't have too much trouble gettin' your belt on. Those things can be a worse pain than me

Received the following letter from the 20th Century FOX... Man, I didn't even know that the 20th Century FOX was linked to any way with FOX News... All I wanted was to try to attract some media attention...


  • Letter 20th.JPG
    70 KB · Views: 101
A friend of ours left her boyfriend and it became clear that he had been hitting her for years. And I always thought he was a decent guy. Man, this really pisses me off. I hope for his sake that I don't see him within the first few weeks...
Good to hear she got the strength to leave him. I think there is another special place in Hell reserved for thoise that feel the need to control someone by beating them. I hope and pray that she is able to stay away from him.
My stupidity this weekend irratated me. Decided it would be a good idea to run across the wet grass in the rain and jump up the two step entry to the garage. Proceeded to slip and fall on my right knee. Swelled up nicely, now it just plain hurts just thinking about looking at it let alone walking or touching it. You'd think a middle aged man would know better, guess not!!!

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