What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Feels like I've been hit by a highspeed freight train at full steam....two more nights before weekend.....could be because I spent Friday, Saturday AND Sunday at the pub....quiet weekend at home this weekend Me think...mooooaaan!
My son is at work and wanted me to take his Games Workshop stuff to him so he wouldn't have to come home and get it himself. Cheeky Sh*t!
I've showered and IN for the night....not goin' out in the cold night air!
Feels like I've been hit by a highspeed freight train at full steam....two more nights before weekend.....could be because I spent Friday, Saturday AND Sunday at the pub....quiet weekend at home this weekend Me think...mooooaaan!

When you always think it will not be a rough weekend it normally is. I once did 65 hours without sleep and when I got home went to bed and 5 hours late my friends phoned and said I must join them at the bar, they woke me so why not.

One of the majority of the population walking around my house shouting through my back door until I woke up and gave him a very good peace of my mind. He was so sly he climbed through the gate up front so that no one would hear him and walked around my house until he saw that someone was home. Well phoned the police to have a look at him. Why walk around my house if your are looking for work. F*ckers!
Been waiting for the Grim Reaper to come and pick up the body, because with the way I feel right now he must be close by. No workouts tonight!!!! (I say that now, but I probably will later).
Who the h*ll are those Jonas Brothers....are those the Hansons of the 21st century?? Cheap, low flying-unbearable-throw stardust in kids eyes-money grabbing CEO puppet dolls-piece of sh*te...!
BT's f*cking internet connection has been f*cking cr*p the last few days! It would be fr*cking quicker and less bl**dy problematic to use smoke signals... Get a f*cking grip on yourself BT for f*ck sake..!!!!!
It's Monday moring, I hate Monday mornings, Nuff said about that.
Yep Lucky those punks with hair called the Jonas Brothers are the modern day Hansons. Not to suprising when the modern day kiddies think Hannah Montana and the like are the greatest thing on earth. At least the Beatles, like them or not, had had some talent. Not just a marketing team behind them making every move for them.
I know Buckie... They bl**dy think that New Kids On The Block, Westlife, Boyzone and whatever else boy or girl band is music history....! Ask any of todays kids about The Doors, The Animals, Booker T. the M.G.'s, Herman's Hermits, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich, Gerry The Pacemakers etc. etc. and you'll get a stupid looking face looking at you saying..."eh?".

They've probably never even heard about People Are Strange, Green Onions, Bend It, Legend Of Xanadu, Ferry Across The Mersey, The House Of The Rising Sun....

Well, enough bitching about todays cr*p!
The Doors: One of the best groups of our exsistencia, works of art without body, are not seen, feel without the tact.

When the doors of the perception are opened, the man will see the things as royal mind they are "infinite" long life to the doors.

Time of the Season by the Zombies.....

Royal Guardsmen - Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxzg_iM-T4E

Royal GuardsmenReturn - Return of the Red Baron
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbsq_gxSI5E

....aaaand breath!

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