What Annoyed You Today?

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Was out of the office yesterday and when I came back today I learned there was a Company wide meeting in which they announced the laid of a half dozen people with the possibility of more to come in the near future. Business has been slow and I have been struggling to keep busy. I fear my time with the company is limited.
Time to get the Resume updated and circulating.
Pulled a muscle on the left side of my upper back two days ago, and then...if that ain't enough...I went and pulled one on the right side this morning!

Taking two motrins for the pain and planning on a couple of beers later on to combat the aggravation.
Hope the back gets better, I know where you are coming from.
After a month of taking it easy on my bad left ankle and Achilles I was walking through a field road going through a large cornfield and managed to step in a fox hole (the actual hole the animal digs). Bridged the hole with my foot and left foot of course and felt a slight pull in my achilles. Now I'm back to where I was a month ago again. Been having problems with this darn thing since last December. Takes forever to heal!!!

I may try the Mortin and beer remedy later!!!!!!!
Just seems to be one thing after another latey. Someday I would like to post something in the "What Cheered you up" thread instead of this one!!
Worst part about the foot is it was finally getting to the point where I was going to start doing some hill climbing again, not I've been put back out another few weeks. Oh well, not much I can do but to give it time to heal up again.
Your just not having much luck lately are you...mate!

maybe a quick fix in the Breaking news thread.....even if you have to review a couple of recent pages....now if that doesn't cheer you up....:D
Thanks for the commiserating guys.

Ya' know, it ain't the pain. As pain goes, it's nothing. People live with a lot worse every day. But it goes with the thread, annyoying more than anything else.

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