What Annoyed You Today? (2 Viewers)

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Almost getting run over......again! This time, I was DEFINITELY in the crosswalk, had the right of way, and yet the guy still sped up like he wanted to hit me....
I am half blind now since Sunday and it gives me one big headache and the sun is torture on my eyes. I have no medical aid and must pay thus for my appointment and the contact lenses I will order. I see myself screwed for this year when it comes to dept. Cut the smokes and times at the bar.
I feel for you Henk. I to have to see the Dr. today. Thankfully I have health coverage, but talking to our HR Rep. today that had similar problems as I am having now, she is thinking I will need surgery on the Achilles. Better not, I'm tired of going under the knife!!!!
Co-worker superglued another coworker keyboard, mouse, and other objects to his desk and blamed it on me. Co-worker with glued down items then cut my keyboard cable to get back at me!!!! Original person that glued stuff down was pretty cowardly when I confronted him on it.
Not happy about it, people get fired for that kind of crap!!!
I'd rather stay away form others manhood!!! I beleive that what goes around comes around and he will pay for his actions one day without me being the cause of it.
That sucks Bucksnort. You do get a lot of @ssholes out there.

My dad's kidneys is giving in on him and someone might be tested for a kidney for him, and I do not want to go through surgery again.
Finding traveler's checks in Pounds is a real pain in the @ss...

My local bank doesn't print traveler's checks in Pounds, but does in Euros, US dollars and Canadian dollars. I went to an other bank and was told that they could order traveler's checks in Pounds, but I would have to pay in advance and wait three weeks before receiving them. I was then told to go to a Change Office but the only three Change Offices in Québec City are all in that spaghetti of one-ways and narrow streets that we dare to call the old-town of Québec City.

It may seems like a rather small problem, but using a Ford Ranger to "navigate" through such narrow streets is like trying to fit your fist in your mouth...

Yeehaw ! :rolleyes:
My dad's kidneys is giving in on him and someone might be tested for a kidney for him, and I do not want to go through surgery again.

I don't mean to pry Henk, just curious, but in all your father's pathology results, have you come across a recent GFR figure? Has he had an access surgically created, like a fistula or Tenckhoff inserted? And finally, has he had a transplant work-up?

National Kidney Foundation: Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Finding traveler's checks in Pounds is a real pain in the @ss...

My local bank doesn't print traveler's checks in Pounds, but does in Euros, US dollars and Canadian dollars. I went to an other bank and was told that they could order traveler's checks in Pounds, but I would have to pay in advance and wait three weeks before receiving them. I was then told to go to a Change Office but the only three Change Offices in Québec City are all in that spaghetti of one-ways and narrow streets that we dare to call the old-town of Québec City.

It may seems like a rather small problem, but using a Ford Ranger to "navigate" through such narrow streets is like trying to fit your fist in your mouth...

Yeehaw ! :rolleyes:
carry canadian ones and exchange them upon arrival at airport I'm guessing AMEX will have a location there
now I'm saddened as the documentary on the birds I help out with is over
so not so much flying
Hope things work out for your Father Henk. Surgery sucks, been through 4 myself and that's more than enough, but I'd gladly go through one more if it save a loved ones life.
Good luck.
Decided to ride the bike last night since the bad Achilles will not allow me to walk much. Put on 25 miles. Drank plenty of water, but awoke in the middle of the night with a major Charlie Horse cramp in calf on the same leg with the bad Achilles. Would not unclinch for about a minute or so. Managed to strain the calf and it's pretty tender today.
Man it hurts like heck when they cramp up like that, and to be jarred awake in the middle of the night when it happens is a suprise as well.
I don't mean to pry Henk, just curious, but in all your father's pathology results, have you come across a recent GFR figure? Has he had an access surgically created, like a fistula or Tenckhoff inserted? And finally, has he had a transplant work-up?

National Kidney Foundation: Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

I know very little he does not want to talk to me about it, but his one kidney does not function at all and he had surgery two times to have a tube inserted from his working kidney to his heart and they had to put a spring type of thing in to keep the tube from clogging and his blood pressure is high with cholesterol. He makes me furious that he does not talk to me about it.

My one friend want to bring her boyfriend with to my birthday get together and I do not like him at all.
I know very little he does not want to talk to me about it

Sounds like a typical father Henk!

His renal failure sounds more obstructive based then disease based, as you seem to be describing a uteric stent. Anyway I wish you both well and feel free to PM me if you think of any questions. I've been working with ESRF (End Stage Renal Failure) patients for about six years. Good Luck.

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