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Sounds like a typical father Henk!

His renal failure sounds more obstructive based then disease based, as you seem to be describing a uteric stent. Anyway I wish you both well and feel free to PM me if you think of any questions. I've been working with ESRF (End Stage Renal Failure) patients for about six years. Good Luck.

Thanks mate, luckily my step mom works at the kidney dialyzes part of the hospital, but she also just tell me a bit here and a bit there.

(nudge, nudge, wink, wink)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

On a more serious note....I'm bored!
After a 9 month fight to re-enlist in the army, i lost the fight,was told9 months ago that i would have no problem going back in, so no job,no prospects............
Me pissing off the girl at me birthday BBQ/Braai last night and got a little bit hammered too, but I can remember everything. I feel like a @sshole for the way I pissed her off but she is not mad anymore, but still.
Massive skull splitting headache this morning. Debating on taking Advil for knocking myself out with a mallet to rid myself of the pain.

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