What Annoyed You Today?

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Know what you mean mate it was the same here yesterday.

I need a holiday where I get away from everyone just for a few days and relax a bit and get away from everyone's bull.
My mother decides to be inconsiderate and takes the board of plywood I use for spray painting my models and use it as a floor for my neice's playhouse.
A few things have been annoying me over the past couple of weeks:

Firstly, my clutch and gearbox died a couple of weeks ago. I have a friend who owns a garage that said he wouldn't be able to fit me in for another three weeks; so a friend of a friend said he could have it finished in a week. I believe him, and get it towed to his place ... where it still is now.

Secondly, I am finishing my job at Royal Mail on the 29th August - however, they claim that I've over-booked my annual leave and didn't pay me for last week. And they're not paying me for next week either; and they seriously thought I'd go back into work. So I've gone sick.

THEN, they ring me up on friday asking me if I'm still sick...to which I reply yes, and it'll be a long sickness...in a really unconvincing voice; you'd think they'd have the f*cking sense to know I'm just not going back.

THEN on saturday morning I get a letter telling me that I need to provide my doctors details, and my sickness details. So I ring 'em up and tell them that I'm not going back, they're not going to pay me, so just f*ck off. And they said they'll ring me up again next week to see how I was doing !!! Taking the p*ss or what?!!??!
My boss is cool and everything, but the past few weeks things were just not running smoothly and it is not as if the business is going down, but for f*ck sakes if does not do his part I can't do my job.
The last half dozen times I've drank more than one or two beers in one sitting I have gotten severe stomach aches that have lasted a day or two in most cases. The one indulgence I give myself once and a while and it is starting to make me ill!!!! Oh, the humanity!!!!!!
Achilles has been acting up again the last couple days. Going to see Doc. again in a week if it does not start behaving itself. Sharpening the chainsaw just in case.
Alarm clocks (yes thats two clocks) failed to wake me up this morning. Late to work, no time for breakfast and no cash in the pocket to get something from the machine in the breakroom. Head is spinning. Good thing I've got enough fat on me to get me to lunch time.
got a premier leage football team staying this weekend and at 8.30pm last night they e-mailed to say they wanted a extra buffet for 32 people at 1.00pm today, so i ordered food in for it got staff to come in early, and at 12.00pm they cancelled it

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