What Annoyed You Today? (2 Viewers)

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Coming round a corner on an empty road to be confronted by a mobile speed van (aka a Talivan). I know I was slightly over the 40mph limit but don't know if I was doing enough to get a ticket. I've got a very nervous 14 days now hoping the letter won't turn up, 6 years with a clean licence could be about to vanish
Hope it will get lost in the mail mate. The Police almost caught me also almost Saturday evening after having a few drinks at the bar when I skipped a stop sign. They asked why I was in such a hurry and I said that my mom is at home alone and phoned me to please come home because she heard something around the house. They went with me and my front gate was open so they had a look around the house. Lucky me and I have respect for the cops for doing that.

I'm missing someone very much and wish I could see her soon.
Barack Obamas speech in Berlin yesterday. Nothing like heading to a foreign country and belittleing the United States. I'm still pissed a day later!!!
I hear you, just got paid today and half of the paycheck is going for new Tires on the Truck. Truck goes through a set of tires every 2 years or so, and that's just driving back and forsth to work and a few trips to farther locations every year.
Went all the way out the other side of town today to play lacrosse and we had to forfeit 'cause we didn't have enough players....then I was asked to play goals for the A grade team as the regular was sick as a dog........and we got flogged
Got a bad bad headake .. I've had it all week, I even went to a doctor and he told me to relax and sleep much. Sleep? How the hell am I supposed to sleep with a damn stick and knife and a bullet in my head??!!!

Can you guess how pissed I am at that so called "Doctor" ??

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