What Annoyed You Today? (11 Viewers)

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Did the Merc dent your tank?
My platoon survived with no cars harmed but the Troop XO made a wrong turn went half way up another hill and slid back into a new Mercedes. It was a total loss. I personally took out a large number or the road markers along the road. I also backed over a concrete picnic table moving into a sports platz on Reforger morning. Never saw it from the TC hatch. Wing man never said a word untill I yelled at them for not telling me about the damage they caused. Earlier in the day.

And then a Jeep pulled up and a Finance Officer with a checkbook in hand hopped out.
People that have to accelerate down the freeway on ramp so they can merge into traffic in front of you at the last possible second, even though there is 15-20 car lengths of empty lane behind you. Makes you have to hit your brakes and slow down even though you are going as fast as everyone in front of you...
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The ones I hate are those that have been in the left lane for hours and suddenly realize their exit is 200yds away and then make a kamikaze style three lane change to get to it

My wife was in a taxi in Melbourne a few years back and he went past the offramp in the far lane, cut accross three other lanes and then backed up. She got him to pull over and then called for another companies taxi.
That was mine last year. 36% the year before. The county now thinks my house is worth more than Zillow does.
Should never have repainted.
It was installing the flush toilet that really made you stand out from your neighbors

Once a midnight trip to the bathroom doesn't involve boots and flashlight you have become part of the upper crust.

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