What Annoyed You Today? (16 Viewers)

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Another speshalist is on the horizon and I will come out of this Aliiiiiive! Irregular heartbeat and too thick blood! Easy peasy
1. My wife was stopped at an intersection this morning in my VW Jetta when she was rear ended by a pickup truck. The impact pushed her car into the car in front of her. Scared my kids to death. Substantial damage to both the front and rear.

Fortunately my wife and kids are ok. No injuries. That is the most important thing, Material things can be replaced

Its just annoying. We have all the stress involved with it, while this guy probably does not care because his truck was an old beater.

2. Pick up drivers. They annoy me. Every time we have been hit by someone its always a pickup driver. They are always tailgating and acting like they own the road.
1. My wife was stopped at an intersection this morning in my VW Jetta when she was rear ended by a pickup truck. The impact pushed her car into the car in front of her. Scared my kids to death. Substantial damage to both the front and rear.

Fortunately my wife and kids are ok. No injuries. That is the most important thing, Material things can be replaced

Its just annoying. We have all the stress involved with it, while this guy probably does not care because his truck was an old beater.

2. Pick up drivers. They annoy me. Every time we have been hit by someone its always a pickup driver. They are always tailgating and acting like they own the road.
Glad they are OK. They may be feeling it tomorrow, though.
These little p****s picking on my daughter at school. Some of these teachers are so indifferent or just blind. I am on my students like taxes on people. The instant they hit the other classroom, it's chaos. Nice lady I co-teach with, but they just don't take her seriously. My oldest just got expelled. Just a great week altogether.

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