What Annoyed You Today?

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Another speshalist is on the horizon and I will come out of this Aliiiiiive! Irregular heartbeat and too thick blood! Easy peasy
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Too thick blood means you need blood thinners. I prefer a good whiskey or rum liquor.

Seriously though - keep on keeping on until they fix you and then enjoy yourself.

And always follow the doctors instructions for any post op. You do not need any blood infections, they make life hell for far too long.
1. My wife was stopped at an intersection this morning in my VW Jetta when she was rear ended by a pickup truck. The impact pushed her car into the car in front of her. Scared my kids to death. Substantial damage to both the front and rear.

Fortunately my wife and kids are ok. No injuries. That is the most important thing, Material things can be replaced

Its just annoying. We have all the stress involved with it, while this guy probably does not care because his truck was an old beater.

2. Pick up drivers. They annoy me. Every time we have been hit by someone its always a pickup driver. They are always tailgating and acting like they own the road.

Here #2 is Greeks and Italians in any vehicle for the road hogs but the Italians are reasonable drivers and seem to have few accidents.

Hope the wife and kids sleep well.
1. My wife was stopped at an intersection this morning in my VW Jetta when she was rear ended by a pickup truck. The impact pushed her car into the car in front of her. Scared my kids to death. Substantial damage to both the front and rear.

Fortunately my wife and kids are ok. No injuries. That is the most important thing, Material things can be replaced

Its just annoying. We have all the stress involved with it, while this guy probably does not care because his truck was an old beater.

2. Pick up drivers. They annoy me. Every time we have been hit by someone its always a pickup driver. They are always tailgating and acting like they own the road.
1. Hope you're wife and kids are doing well this morning. The next day is usually when things start to ache and get sore, believe me I speak of this with way too much experience.

2. Hey, I drive a pickup truck;) Been hit from behind way too many times. Every accident was at a stop sign/light with an under 30 type with too much occupying their minds besides paying attention to driving. Never been hit by a pickup, not yet anyway, cross my fingers.

One thing I learned when I studied for my Motorcycle exam is that many accidents are caused from someone making a left turn or coming from you're left side, I've watched this over the years and it is true, but they can get you from any direction so "keep your head on a swivel" as they say.
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"My wife was stopped at an intersection this morning in my VW Jetta when she was rear ended by a pickup truck."

Maybe it was something going on on Tuesday? I was driving home down the street in front of my house, obeying the speed limit. I've lived here 30 years and have decided that the best way to reduce speeding on our street is to not do it myself, not even 5 mph over. I go 31 mph during the 30 mph section and 36 mph during the 35 mph section.

But behind me that day was this guy in a small black car. He was no more than 3 ft off my bumper, continuously blowing his horn and obviously screaming at me. My old 97 Celica needs a paint job and a little body work done and if I had been driving it.....maybe he'd have fixed it for me. For several years now I've kept a gun in the car.
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I got a letter from the Social Security people last week. It says they reviewed my last tax returns and concluded that I need to pay more for Medicare fees. So next year I will be getting about $100 less a month in Social Security Retirement, despite the 3.3% increase.

Today I got another letter from the Social Security people, saying that not only am I going to get $100 less each month in 2024, but I owe them $3500 in back payments because they paid me too much in 2023, using the same reasoning. So I can either send them a check for the amount or they will take it out of my Social Security payments for next year. I don't know if they will take it out over a few months or spread it out over the whole year, but my rough calculations show what it amounts to is that next year I'll be getting about $450 a month less from them.

For y'all that don't know, Social Security and Medicare operate on the principle of, "From each according to his ability. To each according to his need."
These little p****s picking on my daughter at school. Some of these teachers are so indifferent or just blind. I am on my students like taxes on people. The instant they hit the other classroom, it's chaos. Nice lady I co-teach with, but they just don't take her seriously. My oldest just got expelled. Just a great week altogether.
Did you see what occurred at that Middle School in Compton, CA? A kid bought a BB gun to school and was pointing it at other students. When told about it, his Mom replied that they clearly did not know how deal with children. The next day all the teachers and the principle did not show up.
I got a letter from the Social Security people last week. It says they reviewed my last tax returns and concluded that I need to pay more for Medicare fees. So next year I will be getting about $100 less a month in Social Security Retirement, despite the 3.3% increase.

Today I got another letter from the Social Security people, saying that not only am I going to get $100 less each month in 2024, but I owe them $3500 in back payments because they paid me too much in 2023, using the same reasoning. So I can either send them a check for the amount or they will take it out of my Social Security payments for next year. I don't know if they will take it out over a few months or spread it out over the whole year, but my rough calculations show what it amounts to is that next year I'll be getting about $450 a month less from them.

For y'all that don't know, Social Security and Medicare operate on the principle of, "From each according to his ability. To each according to his need."

Do an FOI on their calculations. You might be able to find one or more errors that change the results in your favour
The company keeps buying machinery without considering its working footprint.
Oh, sure. The machine dimensions fit in the space, but you also need to factor in the operating area around the machine and adjacent areas.
Now, having purchased said equipment, what are you going to do with everything that will be displaced?
This recovery is annoying! The procedure was nothing. But all the sticky bits for ECG has irritated my old asking. Like I've had 40 that have given me welts and itchy patches. I've got one maybe 4" (10cm) square behind my left shoulder. Scratching there is like razor blades.
They stuck a section of plumbing pipe in my mouth to get an ultrasound gadget down my throat. Mouth is all cut up inside. Sleep is impossible from all the itching. So I'm just still exhausted and fall asleep during the day. Nurses could not find a spot for IV, called on Dr. Now the back of my hand is black and blue from knuckles to wrist the whole thing. Felt like I was being butchered. Not enjoying the recovery at all.
Results are fine, no more, knock on wood, flutter, BP is like when I was 50. There, done whinging!
Nothing wrong with getting it all out old buddy, if it makes you feel better then keep spitting the feelings. As for the ECG patch itch and the black and blue back of the hand and arms, all par for the course which I can vouch for many times over. :D
I took my car for a service today, knowing I had a slow puncture, and Audi tried to charge me £167.16 for this.


I got it fixed at a local tyre place (shout out to Plume Tyres) for the princely sum of £23.50.

I'm obviously not annoyed at a saving of £143.66, but at Audi. A lot of people would just have paid, including the extortionate price of the tyre which can be had much cheaper, without thinking that maybe that puncture is at worst borderline repairable* and that someone would do it.

*In the UK it has to be in the central 3/4 of the tread.
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I took my car for a service today, knowing I had a slow puncture, and Audi tried to charge me £167.16 for this.

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I got it fixed at a local tyre place (shout out to Plume Tyres) for the princely sum of £23.50.

I'm obviously not annoyed at a saving of £143.66, but at Audi. A lot of people would just have paid, including the extortionate price of the tyre which can be had much cheaper, without thinking that maybe that puncture is at worst borderline repairable* and that someone would do it.

*In the UK it has to be in the central 3/4 of the tread.
Official workshops are fraudsters nests. I have quite a bit of problems with the official Ford dealer & workshop in hometown when I was younger. The problem was that my mother car was bought there and she want all repairs made there. It was no problem for her, as long as she pick the car I used while hers was there so it didn't matter if they were behind schedule in the repair or made a bad one and the car must go there once again.

So bad was the situation that I promise myself not to but a Ford as long s they are in business, even after I moved to another island, only for not having the slight chance of having to deal with them again.

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