What Annoyed You Today? (8 Viewers)

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My main PC stopped working on the day after Christmas. 5 seconds of flickering and then nothing. I had built it 10 years ago and was not feeling the burn to start a new project or try to figure out what was broken so I ordered a new one due (I hope) right before New Years. I have a laptop so I'm posting from the couch.
All I use is a laptop and have one of these in the living room. Wife can watch her shows and I can sit with her and browse model stuff while waiting for other stuff to dry. When not used I can wheel it into the back room out of site


I paraphrased. They offered the usual free credit monitering for two years, yada yada yada.

Which is far better than the free 80 gb free phone data that one of our telcos offered my sons business after a two day total outage in his town - especially given he is paying for an unlimited data plan. And the only other choice in the area is just as freaking woeful.

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