What Annoyed You Today?

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That's very annoying. There is a seller on Evilbay that listed three sets in 1/32 scale for same aircraft. I put one that looked interesting and put it on my watch list. Next day same said item went up by $12. I was so PO I removed it from my list and said screw it.
Last time I went through there was about 1976/7, so it seems it has not improved any. On the plus side, I did get my first sighting of Concord while transiting.
If I remember correctly Charles de Gaulle International Airport was relatively new in 76/77 and revered as "the airport" for design and practicality!
Been trying to inform a courier in the UK of an incorrect address on a package coming from the USA, where the street name is missing, and the Post Code wrong.
Sent via Hermes in the USA, to what was Hermes here in the UK, now known as Evri.
When it was Hermes, they were great, now, the service is poor, and contact impossible, apart from an automated 'phone line where it's not possible to speak to a human, and the call ends when the automated responses are concluded.
The chat bot "service" is the same, and ignores any comments typed in to the response panel.
If there were awards for the World's worst courier "service", then Evri would clear the field and win every one of them !
If I remember correctly Charles de Gaulle International Airport was relatively new in 76/77 and revered as "the airport" for design and practicality!
We avoided it like the plague when going to Milan in '78. Went Houston to Montreal to Amsterdam to Milan and beat the Houston to Paris to Milan flight by several hours.
What annoys me is I took 2 weeks vacation. The first week was ruined by having Covid. Now I'm troubled by a shoulder injury that limits the usage of my right arm. Hurts like a son of a #####. So not a fun vacation at all.,
That's a drag.
But at least you are not in jail.
Many years ago, a coworker took two weeks vacation, blew his current paycheck plus his two weeks vacation pay at the casino, got a DUI on the way home, and spent the two weeks in jail because he had no money to post bail.

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