What Annoyed You Today? (2 Viewers)

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Wat wound me up today???!
WTF is this???????!!!!!!!
Wot is happening??!!!!!
How can these prices be justified!
View attachment 767670

Some vendors in Aus charge more for postage than US vendors of the same item so that they make a big fat profit on the postage and handling - one item from several years back was 11AUD from USA and 22AUD from Sydney for the same item. I am sure some overseas suppliers do the same.

The other thing that happens is some vendors insist on using only the fastest service regardless of where the item is going and how urgent it is so send Feral Express "overnight" to Aus when most Aussies are smart enough to know that coming from the EU or US is going to take a day or two to Sydney then AusPost will take 10 to 14 days to cover the last few hundred km if you live outside any state capital because Feral Express will pass the package to AusPost for delivery.

Recent example was a mower part (750AUD locally and 115AUD in the USA) where the shipper wanted 225AUD for shipping. Sent it to one of my children who lives in US using their free US shipping and then she sent it on to me for 22USD by USPS -- I probably had it just as quickly.
As a lowly civil servant, I often dream of mount warriors running wild on horseback. To break up to day to day activities, I agreed to be a poll inspector on super Tuesday. I announced my self at the third stop for the day and asked for the poll judge who was in charge. A 30 something year old lady popped up out of her chair and I could not help staring at her shirt... Don't Panic and always know where your towel is. This was in a town of a little over 200. I told her I loved the shirt. I said yes when asked if I understood it. Of course, and my towel is in the car. It was a nice talk until she offered to read poetry to me. Luckily, had had about 30 minutes of work to do. When the time was right, I told everyone that I was done and off to the next polling location. I had only one last thing to say, so long and thank for all the fish. The polling judge set straight up with a big small on her face. She started bouncing up and down singing the dolphins song from the movie. I could not keep my eyes off of the Shirt. Why annoyed? I wanted to see the rest of the song.

View: https://youtu.be/N_dUmDBfp6k?si=4F4wf_CCuNvvldLK
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Tried to do a self craniotomy at work last night. 5'10" stepping up on a 8" step stand under a longeron that is 5'5" off the hangar floor doesn't work well. Airplane didn't move, but I did.... Coworkers wanted to rinse the area down with the 90% isopropyl we have on hand. Told them I didn't think they could stand the screaming from me if they did....Got a patch about the size of the end of a coke can that will take some time to heal up.
Well not exactly "annoyed" but disappointed that all you tech guys out there missed yesterday i.e.: MARCH 14
Albert One Stone got it right being born on the 14th though Stephen Hawking also just missed, dying on the 15th.
Personally I've always found June 28th to be more usable
This little clown who is always bullying people got into fight and principal took all afternoon to take care of it. This means I will be cutting it real close for my observation hours required of me to pass this course.

Did you try youtube? I am sure someone made a detailed step by step video.

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