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I'm a type 2, Jardiance, Rybellsus and Metformin. You can control it, liqour and carbs are your enemy. Control your intake and you can fix this. Your diet is extremely important


I am on insulin but both now and when on metformin I found rum dropped my blood sugar.

I drink it neat. Do you drink with mixers or neat? In other words, is this another one of those one size fits all medicine is a crock things

I am on insulin but both now and when on metformin I found rum dropped my blood sugar.

I drink it neat. Do you drink with mixers or neat? In other words, is this another one of those one size fits all medicine is a crock things
No usually mixed with 7up but have been drinking Fresca instead,sparkling water with a splash of grapefruit in it.

7up is loaded with sugar. Haven't a clue about Fresca. Years since I saw any of that. Not even on holidays in Hawaii in Dec/Jan.

Unobservant bugga aren't I.
Yup, Fresca is a sugar free product. Coke, 7UP, Mountain Dew etc are all poison in one way or the other to your body. One really need to read up on this disease
BNB or nbn?

Sounds like the latter from the response time. The official title is all lower case because they are so $%^&* clueless that they don't know when to use upper lower case.

nightmare bloody network run by nothing but nitwits with no bloody nous
Oh geeze!!!!!! nbn it is.

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