What Annoyed You Today?

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While performing a rather delicate re-soldering of a problem chip on a Customers Laptop board a tiny little capacitor next to it popped off and went shooting off somewhere. Can't find a similar sized cap on another board either. Almost impossible to see this thing unless it is under a Microscope too.
I know the feeling Wayne

Good job Catch!

Remembering we have a free trade agreement with china .Honestly WTF were those morons on crack thinking??
It's Monday morning, I hate Mondays!!!
Spend a half hour in sub-zero temps on Sundsay trying to start the Truck!! Second time in less than a week that it would not start in the cold. Have added Alchohol to the fuel so it would not freeze up the fuel lines, but it still will not fire when cold!!!
Bought a new can of Starter Fluid (could not find a can of the "Start Ya Bastard" that some on the forum use). Wanted a stick of Dynamite in case it still wouldn't start, but the gal at the hardware store said they did not carry that
Know how you feel, Buck. My pigging Jeep wouldn't start again, stupid, as yet unfound problem on the ignition connections! Maybe if I give it a good kicking again, then it'll fire up!
When it rains it pours is the saying I guess.
Felt a couple "pops" in the Achilles I've been having problems with for the last year and now am very sore once again and having a hard time walking, where's that hacksaw when you need it!!!
On top of that I was trying to finish up my Christmas shopping this evening. Went out to the parking lot and started the truck and heard the spark plug that like to blow out of it's threads blow out again. Had to happend in the dark on one of the coldest nights of the season so far.
This time there was just enough thread to keep it in the plug hole to get me home. Got it under the light and was able to pull the plug out with just my fingers. No threads left in the block at all. Going to miss work tomorrow and hope I can find someone that can fix it at a reasonable cost.
One thing after another these days, but compared to others I know I could be worse off and have larger problems.
Very little sleep last night, throbbing foot problems. Truck is dead in the driveway, Shop will not take it until next Monday for repairs. Minumum of $150 if it is a simple helicoil job, hate to think of the cost if the head needs to be pulled and it need further repair.
Going to be stuck at home for the 4 day Holiday as I will not have a vehicle to drive. Too much snow and ice on the groud to ride a bike too. Foot power I guess.
ya got snowshoes or Cross-skis Buck to fight the frozen crap ?

my Dad/Aunt fizzled out on coming up north for Christmas got scared of the so-called snow storms which are not hitting here but are staying to the north ...........can we say "pissed off" ? my Bro and family are stuck somewhere over the US of A in a jet from who knows where due to all the cancellations - crazy

heard there was over 50 canceled flights out of Chicago due to weather...........those poor buggers
No snowshoes or ski's. Gonna make me a set of wooded snowshoes one of these days.
Going to work on the Guitar building, maybe make a new set of Cedar arrows (I'm running low on arrows), and hike up the the fitness center up the street to keep me busy. I guess I could drill a hole in the ice on the ponds down the street and pretend I'm Ice Fishing, ain't no fish in the pond, but at least I'm not in the house
Hope you get your truck sorted without too much expense Buck.
My Jeep's still dead, stupid ignition connection, and can't get a new one until Monday, maybe Tuesday! So that's two of us stuck without wheels!

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