What Annoyed You Today? (6 Viewers)

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I found my wallet! :D
In the washer. :facepalm:
Been there, done that, and not just once either. Also washed my cell phone at the same time once...

Started to go on evening walks after work again. Legs aren't used to it yet ad have been cramping up on me at night waking me up. To compound the issue when I have trouble sleeping at night I tend to take my CPAP off and then I feel like royal schmitt all the next day.
Started to go on evening walks after work again. Legs aren't used to it yet ad have been cramping up on me at night waking me up
You know Buck sometimes I get restless leg syndrome when it occurs I take 400/600 mgs of Ibuprofen first get some bath water pretty hot and with a fingernail brush when you get in the tub brush the legs.The brush opens the pores and pulls the hairs to let the heat in this all takes 8/10 minutes it will last about 45 minutes giving me time to go to sleep.It may help with cramps ...... ;)
I did finally get up at around 2:00 am and took 800mg of ibuprofen and drank a huge glass of water and that helped. Don't think I want to take a hot shower at 2:00 in the morning though.
I did finally get up at around 2:00 am and took 800mg of ibuprofen and drank a huge glass of water and that helped. Don't think I want to take a hot shower at 2:00 in the morning though.

According to my doctor ibuprofen must always be taken immediately after food or you will end up with stomach problems. Not a meal, just a large serve of cheese is what he suggested.

This was after an internal inspection showed I had the beginnings of an ulcer. Fortunately they can be cured by 60 days of pills and no ibuprofen for another 60 days after that.
According to my doctor ibuprofen must always be taken immediately after food or you will end up with stomach problems. Not a meal, just a large serve of cheese is what he suggested.

This was after an internal inspection showed I had the beginnings of an ulcer. Fortunately they can be cured by 60 days of pills and no ibuprofen for another 60 days after that.
I have heard the same and always have something, even just something small, when consuming.
According to my doctor ibuprofen must always be taken immediately after food or you will end up with stomach problems. Not a meal, just a large serve of cheese is what he suggested.

This was after an internal inspection showed I had the beginnings of an ulcer. Fortunately they can be cured by 60 days of pills and no ibuprofen for another 60 days after that.
If I am reading this right I am very sorry for your loss.

Loosing a dog I a very sad event.

But I am sure he lived like a king with you.
You are reading right.

Life expectancy for a french bulldog when he was born was some 8 years. After 13 years and 8 months, he went above and beyond his call of duty, particularly considering various food and enviromental allergies, a bad back and a S shape windpipe. I think we gave him the best life we can.

The bronchiolitis of the last 20 days was too much for him.

Very hard for my wife and my 8 y.o. daughter, but such is the law of life.

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