What Annoyed You Today? (4 Viewers)

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I was the second shift supervisor for Collins Aerospace.
Sorry to hear that, I can understand the feeling as I was 45 when I was forced out of Aircraft Maintenance Job I had for 20+ years. Just keep your options open and think about what else you may be interested in doing that your skills would translate to. I changed career paths in my mid 40's. I know it would be more difficult to do now in my 60's. I wish you good fortune in what ever you decide to do.
I'll be arriving at Lambert International on April 4. See if you guys can clear up the weather by then, please.
Today I was driving back home after having a nice lunch with a friend. I came to an intersection at US 1 that featured not only a traffic light but also a RR crossing. We now have high speed trains traveling along that route on a regular basis, at up to 80 mph. There have been many cases of collisions with automobiles, including a month that featured two fatal accidents at the same crossing one week apart. We always ask how people could be so stupid. Today I found out it ain't always stupidity on the part of the drivers.

The traffic light turned green but an instant later the RR warning lights activated. The cars to the East of the tracks sped off. I was in the first rank of cars to the West of the tracks. I had a Sheriff's patrol car to my Left and a big pickup truck to my Right. I could not see down the tracks but no train came. No crossing arms came down and I don't even know if they have any there. Finally the big pickup to my Right sped across the tracks. The Sheriff car on my Left did so a moment later. I looked each way down the tracks and could see nothing, so I sped across.

This is EFFING STUPID! No wonder people are being killed! The RR crossing lights go off and there is no train! But maybe there is and you can't see it! I still want to know why if there are flashing lights and sirens on police cars and fire trucks and ambulances but they can't friggin put them on THE TRAINS!!!!!

Any WHY would you have the traffic lights turn Green when the road is blocked by the RR warning lights? THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE AND I DAMN WELL OUGHTA KNOW! This is friggin LIONEL or AMERICAN FLYER science! RADIO SHACK could have come up with better systems!
Not quite a year after I moved to OK, one evening at about 7PM the premier WX forecaster of the OK City area, Gary England, came on my 13 inch B&W TV and said that there was a storm hitting the Western side of the city and it might get windy. I figured it would be hitting our area in about 15 min and as I heard the wind coming up I opened the door out to take a look out into the breezeway. The wind increased and stuff started blowing by, and as I was closing the door there was a "BAM!" and the lights blinked. It calmed down some after a bit and I looked outside and into the breezeway. Things looked quote odd.

It appeared that a tornado had made a low pass down the center of our apartment complex, probably without actually touching down. It demolished a plywood storage building on the other side of the parking lot and threw the debris into the complex. The apartment on the opposite end of the building from mine had huge foot hole where the West facing window used to be. A dumpster was pushed out of its RR tie corral and put a dent about a foot deep into a 1957 Chevy. The apartment next to mine had a 3 foot hole in the roof; the apartment beneath it, where a friend of mine lived, filled up with water that night. And what really got my attention was that a "spear" of wood flew through the breezeway with such force that it wedged itself between the concrete decking and the steel edging. If I had been out in the breezeway I'd have been harpooned.
I changed fields after 28 years of health insurance. What a train wreck it has become. Now I have a state job purchasing equipment for workers with disabilities so they can actually work. I have not been happier with work in 12 years. Look around and change fields. My employment counselor told me to apply for every government job, local, state or federal. The government wants older people with degrees and being a vet was a big plus. We have work skill the younger people do not have and cannot develope. Look around. I was over 60 and found a new career. If I can make it another 8 years I will get a small pension. They will even pay for me to get a Master degree. I just hope we experience down sizing. There is only 32 of us for Texas. And usually at least 1 vacancy.

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