What Annoyed You Today?

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I'm with you, Jan. Coughing so much my chest is killing me. And to top it off work called me about being on stand-by call tonight. Yeah right. The doctor said to go back on Thurs but I ain't feeling that good yet.

Hey, Lucky, how about we get a Group Cough going?
Well, Wojtek mentioned that he'd caught the bug as well and something about beer and that everything would be fine... I say that us three should get together for a Group Cold and sample some of that Polish beer of his while we're at it!
Lord I hope I don't get that cold. Have not had one of those for a few years. Used to get them once in the fall and once in the Winter almost every year, would cough so hard my chest felt like it would explode and my throat would be so sore I thought someone had been sanding it from the inside with 60 grit sandpaper.
Worst one was after I had my shoulder pinned into place after an accident, middle of the summer, but I had a cold, had to let out a sneeze as I sat at a red light in the truck. Sneezed and it hurt my repaired shoulder so bad that I let out a loud F'inheimer afterwards. Guy in the car next to me just looked at me like I was insane. That flippen hurt though, but had to laugh afterwards.
Hope I didn't just jinx myself.

Get well all you sickies, cough on 3. One, Two, Three, HACK
Well, my news aint as bad as some here, but I HAVE got the flippin' bug! Anytime I get anything like this, it effects the Arthritis, which just about floors me. Problem is, trying to sleep at night, the coughs and bunged-up head start the pain going, due to low resistance, and I can't sleep! Therefore, my sleep pattern is totally out of the window, my hands are too stiff to do any modelling or get on with finishing the picture that is overdue, and I can't get out, in the ice and very thin snow, to have a look at the stupid ignition lead that is causing problems on my b****y Jeep! B*****ks! Roll on summer!
BTW, I'll join the Coughing Club if Wojtek's beer is included !!
SA at it's best. Two son of a bitches stole a machine in our shop today and the cops are so f*cking pathetic they came 2 hours afterwards and they could not even speak english properly. And they say that they do not steal, bullsh*t 3/4 of them are thief's and criminals.
Sorry to hear that Henk. Didn't you say you're store had security cameras? Can't they get a pic?

Lucky, looks as if you're spreading it to the south with Terry having the sniffles. I need to spread out west! My nose is so raw I could sand the filler on my 410 with it!

Get well all you sickies, cough on 3. One, Two, Three, HACK

COUGH!.....wheez...... spit
Started my walking/jogging routine again last this past week after nearly a two month layoff. Put in 33 laps at the walking track last night (just over 6 miles) and I've got an all over bady ache this morning. Also wore off the skin on the heal of my right foot, looks like new hiking shoes are in need of purchasing.
Advil better kick in soon.
I'm supposed to be writing an essay but made the mistake of selling my car yesterday, so now I keep looking for a new one. What I need is something dependable and run of the mill. But when I buy cars I can never, ever stick to that rule. So far I've thought about an old Alfa, a V12 Jaguar and a GMC pickup. Really sensible..........
Njaco, the camera did not get anything usable, but the thing is that these f*ckers always steal from the working people while they do nothing. Luckily we have insurance.
Njaco, the camera did not get anything usable, but the thing is that these f*ckers always steal from the working people while they do nothing. Luckily we have insurance.

I so know what you mean ,It happens here too on a regular basis .The justice system is pathetic

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