What Annoyed You Today?

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My prayers are with your family Erich. Maybe as a little bright side, I found out that Jan 1 the Gov. instituted a law that employers have to reimburse employees who ride bikes to work about $20 a month. Guess what I'm doing this summer?!

Good luck Buck, with those infernal machines.

My gripe:
Why do idiots own pets?
and why do some people have no common sense.
Typical phone call for me lately -
"Hi, my heighbor has a dog chained ourside with no shelter, food or water."
"How long has he been outside?"
"oh, about 97 years but with the cold temperatures I decided to call."

Only on holidays, weekends, extremme weather or life happening events in history does anybody decide that now the problem has to be solved. AArrrggghhh!!!! 11pm on Christmas Eve is when they want the dog that has been running for 9 weeks to finally be removed! Now I'm getting numerous calls about animals outside that were totally fine a few days ago and now with Siberian temps, now its a problem.

Oh and outside, feral cats that you have been feeding for years DO NOT FREEZE TO DEATH in this weather!!! If they did, you wouldn't have any cats to feed come St. Pats Day!!!!
What is it with these f*cking movies with talking animal....like the latest Disney flick...cooome oooon the f*ck!

Sorry....need my cold Guinness, haven't had one for more than 24 hours and I'm going cold turkey here....
Getting my results for level 2(year 12/six form)


I can't get a simple pass/fail

I think I may have failed but its incorrect as they're not including credits I've got in 2007 so I'm pretty sure I've passed

I'm so confused

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

D@mn, sorry to hear that Roaming, hope you pass

This didn't annoy me as more so scare the crap outta me. I went skiing today with my dad and brother(Ferdiand Foch). I was coming down by myself to the ski lodge, when I noticed a family centered around one of their kids. He was on the ground, having his pulse checked by his father. I basically skiied like he!l back to lodge, trying to find ski patrol. Found one, told him what happened, and turns out a call was already in. Hope the kid was alright, because I did not hear anything else.
Cheers Cory

Nah Vassili its the education system in New Zealand ,It had real trouble when it first started (like a decade ago) But it is indeed BS

Thing is ,Its designed for girls(I'm not being sexist)Its true the older system was apparently designed to suit boys and this NCEA is evening things up

worse yet ,I still don't know when I'm gonna find out

F****** BS
Damn, sounds like BS. I've had a few problems with the school system, but my mom had more problems also. She is a teacher, and last year was the head of safegrad, designed for student to have a safe graduation. Besides me, Foch, and another student, almost none of my fellow classmates lent a hand. There were also problems from the parents, who criticzed and wanted stuff added for the event, but did jacksh!t to help. Fundraising was also a problem, as the head of the drama department decided to add some drama by being a b!tch!
Cheers Cory

Nah Vassili its the education system in New Zealand ,It had real trouble when it first started (like a decade ago) But it is indeed BS

Thing is ,Its designed for girls(I'm not being sexist)Its true the older system was apparently designed to suit boys and this NCEA is evening things up

It's about the same thing over here... And I think it is in every "civilized" country. Girls reformed school to interrest girls, while boys started to find school boring. Why do you think about 80% of kids who leave school are boys ? Why do 80% of University freshmen are in fact women ? Because the system was reformed by girls, for girls and you can't teach to both sexes the same way and still interrest all of the students... Because they don't learn the same way !

That's why I'm now in favor of having all-girls schools and all-boys schools. Teach to boys the way they can learn. And do the same with girls.
Yeah that is a good idea

I went to an all boys school for the last 4 years

unfortunately the standards are the same at both girls and boys schools and NCEA still applys:( :evil:

It would be dificult to get an even fairness between the standards but it could work and it would be ALOT better,To late for me:evil:
Damn, sounds like BS. I've had a few problems with the school system, but my mom had more problems also. She is a teacher, and last year was the head of safegrad, designed for student to have a safe graduation. Besides me, Foch, and another student, almost none of my fellow classmates lent a hand. There were also problems from the parents, who criticzed and wanted stuff added for the event, but did jacksh!t to help. Fundraising was also a problem, as the head of the drama department decided to add some drama by being a b!tch!

That sucks,Last year at school would of been alot worse if it hadn't of been for me mum(she got me out of a couple detentions:lol: )
An assclown at work has dismissed literally tens of thousands of dollars in work with a dismissive nonchalant attitude. Unfrigging believable. Can't wait until he wants my undivided attention again.
That sucks,Last year at school would of been alot worse if it hadn't of been for me mum(she got me out of a couple detentions:lol: )

Yeah it did, glad it was over with, now my mom doesn't have to put up with that crap. I did flip out on a fellow student once. He was complaing on how, "I'm not going to safegrad because nobodby else is going." Being right next to him, I felt I had to respond. I told him that, " My mom busted her @ss for this," to which he said, "Oh, I know." I dropped it though, the kid was the biggest fuc#tard in my class.

He was the same kid who got fired form Mcdonalds, who failed the CAPT test when 95% passed, who supposedly failed his driving test no more then a half of dozen times. He ended up going to safegrad anyway, then b!tched about not winning any prizes at the end. At that point, I really didn't give a flying f##k.

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