What Annoyed You Today?

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I have wonderful news - my bank account has been frozen by an extortion company for a police fine I got in 2004. They are not legally obliged to send any notices, so now I owe the city around $480. Great!!!
Realization that I've gotten absolutely no work done on the Guitar I am building since before Christmas and it will be at least a week before I get anything else done on it.
Second, it's is about to get very cold this week. Tired of Winter already and it's only half over!!!
Current Temp is -14F, I hate cold weather.
Truck would not fire this morning, 3 hours trying to get the M#$%^ F#%^* to start. Fuel line froze even though I had fresh gas and two bottles of fuel line anti-freeze in the tank!!!
Could not find a decent sized cliff to drive the flippen truck over either!!!
Feet still have not gotten warm after standing outside all morning, and the temps are not expected to go up above 0 until the weekend.
Could someone tell me why I live in this stinking cold A$$ State?
Yep, I'm thinking that instead of adding more alchohol to the fuel system I'm going to add more Alchohol to the vehicle operator (that's ME) instead!!! Now should I add Jameson Irish, or Wild Turkey Rare Breed to optimum performance?
got any snow, time for some cc skiing or a good fast walk, try some studs on your bike tires, and get of the frickin house guys !!

09 is going to be suck year for us, my in-laws are making fool decisions with their checkbook have found out the last 3 days, they have an ill memory cannot even think or remember things over a 10 minute span and my poor father in law thinks he can take care of himself and mom, my beautiful wife has hives and is close to breaking down things are so screwed up right now. the in-laws last night just got taken for who knows how much from a friend of a friend on a kitchen knife purchase(s) so we have to now get the police involved and make the dreaded take the credit cards and checkbook away from them...........ah me what a discouraging weekend that will be coming up for my wife and her two bro's.....you can imagine what it has been like living like this for the past 2 stinking years and it is getting worse daily

yee - bloody - haw
Sorry to hear of your in-law problems Erich, makes my truck problems insignificant by comparison. Good luck to you and your Wife, I'll keep you both in my prayers.

P.S. Bike is retired for the Winter, my poor body couldn't handle riding it to work in -14F temps with a -30 windchill. I'll do my winter exercises in this cold weather at the walking track and health club.
that is stinking extreme Buck to be on a bike, appreciate the prayers too, like I said sooner or later we all go through some type of trial(s), things taken out of our hands whether we wish it or not. I'll be seeing my Dad this summer to get obvious plans all settled while he still has everything upstairs in a right way.

it's boring but get a bike rolling machine that way you can get a good sweaty work-out while still warm in the house and then play your fav metal band while doing so
Truck finally started after using nearly a full can of starter fluid. Pulling off the throttly body hose and just spraying it in and trying to start would not work, finally have to prop open the butterfly in the throttle body and keep spraying in started fluid while cranking the engine. Shot some flames as well!!
I imagine there is something wring in the fuel system that it not getting enough pressure to push fuel up to the intake when it is extremely cold? Once it fires the first time witht he fluid it usually will stay running though.
Very frustrating to say the least. Don't think a heater on the engine will help either.
Hope you have better luck with your vehicle than I do, still looking for a couple sticks of dynomite to fix my truck permanantly;)
Burnt my fingers pretty good yesterday at work and spent the day grinding a bevel in 20 mm plate with the 9 inch grinder in the heat and sun today.
Finally dragging myself out of bed this morning and the thermometer reading -20F. Truck would not start again, three hours later still wouldn't start. Started on fire once from spilled starter fluid.
Finally called my cousin to tow to the repair show, will not have it back until tomorrow at the earliest. Second time in less than a month that it has been in the shop.
Cousin did not charge me for the tow (He runs his own towing business), but I will pay him something, plus he let me borrow his Cadillac Eldorado until my truk is fixed so I am thankful to have a vehicle to drive.
Sorry to hear about your truck, Buck. I have a similar problem now and then with my Jeep Cherokee in cold weather (not as cold as yours!), I think the fuel pump gets lazy. The daft thing is, it's got the pre-start 'diagnostic' system on it which, in the 'States and Canada, includes a pre-heater, even on the petrol-engined one like mine. But no, not in the UK! B****y B****ks!
Erich, just seen your post re the In-Laws. I feel for you my friend; my family are still trying to fight the aftermath of my Dad's passing, December '07. The home help got everything, and we're sure she 'rigged' it when my Dad was vulnerable. Can't prove it though, which is a bind. I'll say a prayer for you, and hope all works out well.
Repair shop called and told me the bill for repairs!!!! $900 big ones, ouch. Two bad Oxygen Sensors and a faulty Mass Airflow sensor. Told them to keep the truck overnight out in the cold air and make sure it starts this morning.
Bad part is now I have to return my cousins Cadillac that he loaned me, was kinda getting used to those heated seats in this cold weather.

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