What Annoyed You Today?

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What annoyed me today....every bl**dy thing.

I'm going to get a 'Spitfire' (A rather nice Ale from Sheppard Neame) and I'm gonna sit down and go through some posts here to cheer up !

If you've had a day like mine.... follow this link to the advertising re the Spitfire Ale...
Spitfire Premium Kentish Ale: Desktop Wallpaper
Having to take a day and a half of vacation time for illness. I usually come to work sick or not so have to be feeling like warmed over death to use precious vacation time for sick days! Finally kicking whatever it was that was ailing me, but can still feel some joint and muscle soreness, but nowhere near what it was Tuesday night and much of Wednesday. On the plus side I got plenty of rest.
(Cursing NZ broadband)

Realising something

About 6months ago I traded a 1/32 Revell Beaufighter for both a 1/72 revell Hawker Hunter and 1/72 Tamiya Ju-88C-6

At the time I didn't really want the Bristol because I was Strickly a 1/72 guy but well now even though it was an extremely good trade I'm sorta wishing I had the Beau
Today is my last day as an employee of Hall Mazda, in Va. Beach. I've been
here almost four years and have made many friends. However, due to the economy, me and 13 other Warranty Administrators are being laid off. The
five W/A's they are keeping will be doing warranty for 22 franchises. It will
be hard to walk away ay 5:00 PM.


Sorry to hear that Charles, best of luck to you!

Sorry to hear that Charles, best of luck.

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